
Fan Material & Info

The fun continues!  Visit these pages to find more fascinating tidbits about P&P.
  • Actors - Find out more about the people who played your favorite roles in P&P.  We've included lists of the other period dramas these actors have been in as well. 
  • Captioned Pictures - See the winners of our frequent caption contests.
  • Dances - We know that every savage can dance, but it's still fun to learn a bit more about the dances in P&P.
  • Links - Find more Jane Austen and P&P-themed websites!
  • Locations - Did you ever wonder about the real places where P&P was filmed?
  • Music - Listen to the soundtrack and learn more about the individual pieces.
  • Quotes - "And he has FIVE THOUSAND a-year!"
  • Quiz: Which P&P Miss Are You? - A fun personality quiz put together by Miss Marianne.
  • Screencaps - Hundreds of high-quality photos from the miniseries.
  • Trivia - Just how did they film that infamous lake scene, anyway?
  • Videos - Fan videos and trailers.
  • Three Things You Ought To Know About P&P - Because everybody ought to know these things.  Yes, thank you, Mary.


  1. Question for Miss Dashwood and Miss Marianne -

    Do you think you could create a P&P fan-art contest?? Or (better yet) let them go by themselves, for Mr. Bingley might like you ... OH WAIT! Sorry. :D

    Or better yet add a page where serious fans could donate their P&P fan-art to the club?!!


  2. Read the headline. Then read the comments. The comments are proof that '95 is the world's favorite.

  3. Have you noticed there is Jennifer Ehle reading Pride and Prejudice on YouTube?


"I believe we must have some conversation, Mr. Darcy. A very little will suffice."
~Elizabeth Bennet, episode two

We must have YOUR share in the conversation! Do please leave us a comment, because we would simply love to hear from you. Comments are a happy thought indeed--we ask only that you keep your conversation civil, God-honoring and family-friendly.