
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Guess the Dress - Answers

The answers to the recent dress game, with my comments and compliments.

Caroline Bingley
(Dare I say I actually like this dress?)

Maria Lucas
(Sorry, ladies, this one was a bit harder, since it's only the back)

Lydia Bennet
(Probably her most modest outfit.  Ahem.)

Elizabeth Bennet
(What a marvelous fichu she has on...)

Mrs. Jenkinson
(Her gowns have more personality than she does)

Elizabeth Bennet
(not the most flattering stripe)

Charlotte Lucas
(I want her teapot!)

Mrs. Gardiner
(Interesting sort of cape thingy... anyone know what it's called?)

Jane Bennet
(I think she may be wearing a sleeveless spencer over it as well)

Elizabeth Bennet
(probably my favorite of her white print dresses-- and the look on Jane's face never fails to make me giggle)

And now for our winners!  Congratulations to... Caroline L., Katrina of Edelweiss Patterns, Emily and Sarah!  You ladies really know your dresses.  :D

Check back Monday for a new diversion!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Game the Fifteenth: Guess That Dress

Rather self-explanatory, I believe.  Here are ten pictures of dresses from the lovely wardrobes of P&P, with the ladies' heads cropped out so as not to make this too easy.  :D Your job is to identify the character wearing each dress.  Results and a winner will be posted Saturday!











Have fun!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Monday, March 18, 2013

Game the Fourteenth: Caption Contest {5}

Usual and general rules apply for the caption contest-- don't forget that you can leave more than one entry!  The game will close on Friday and a winner will be announced Saturday.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Trivia Quiz {3} - Answers

1. Finish the quote and tell who said it:  "Charlotte! Engaged to Mr. Collins! _________!"

"Charlotte! Engaged to Mr. Collins! Impossible!"
~Elizabeth Bennet

2.  Who does Mr. Bennet say would be able to "jilt Lizzy creditably"?

Mr. Wickham

3. What song do Mary and Maria Lucas perform together at the Philips' Christmas party?

God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen

4.  Of what are the famous shelves in the closet "the very essence"?

Practicality and convenience.

5. What does Lizzy think must have happened when Maria freaks out about Anne de Bourgh stopping by the parsonage?

The pigs must have got into the garden.  "Is this all? I expected at least that the pigs had got into the garden! Here is nothing but Lady Catherine and her daughter."

6. How old is Lizzy?

Twenty.  "I am not one and twenty."  (This is an old-fashioned way of speaking which contains an understood "yet," meaning that Lizzy is in fact just twenty.)

7. What excuse does Lizzy give for wanting to return home after her walk with Colonel Fitzwilliam?

She has a headache.  "A sudden headache.  Perhaps I've walked too far today."

8.  What does Mr. Darcy beg most fervently in his first proposal?

"To relieve my suffering and consent to be my wife."

9.  What time is it during Mr. Darcy's first proposal?


10.  Complete the quote and tell who said it:  "I had not known you a month before..."

"I had not known you a month before I felt you were the last man in the world whom I could ever marry!"  ~Elizabeth Bennet

And our winner is... Lizzie, with 9.5 points!  Her answers were all correct but one, and even that was half correct (#4, for she said only "practicality" and not "convenience.")

EDIT: It has come to my attention that I made a mistake in the calculation of points-- Katrina of Edelweiss Patterns also accumulated 9.5 points, so she and Lizzie tie for first place!  Sorry for the mistake, Katrina!

Thanks for playing, everyone!  Check back on Monday for a new game!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Game the Thirteenth: Trivia Quiz {3}

These trivia questions all come from the delightful third episode-- though why I am distinguishing it from the others with the word "delightful," I really could not say, for they are all worthy of that appellation.

And why I am so formal in Club posts, I couldn't say either.

1. Finish the quote and tell who said it:  "Charlotte! Engaged to Mr. Collins! _________!"

2.  Who does Mr. Bennet say would be able to "jilt Lizzy creditably"?

3. What song do Mary and Maria Lucas perform together at the Philips' Christmas party?

4.  Of what are the famous shelves in the closet "the very essence"?

5. What does Lizzy think must have happened when Maria freaks out about Anne de Bourgh stopping by the parsonage?

6. How old is Lizzy?

7. What excuse does Lizzy give for wanting to return home after her walk with Colonel Fitzwilliam?

8.  What does Mr. Darcy beg most fervently in his first proposal?

9.  What time is it during Mr. Darcy's first proposal?

10.  Complete the quote and tell who said it:  "I had not known you a month before..."

Have fun! Answers will be revealed on Saturday.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Exploration Game Answers

Answers & comments in red. 

1. How old was Jennifer Ehle when P&P was filmed? 24 
And where on the blog can you find that information? "The Actors" page (

2. Name the song (and its composer) that Georgiana is playing during That Scene at Pemberley. Andante Favori by Beethoven.

3. What's the link to the full script of Pride and Prejudice, and where on the blog can you find it?
Found on "Links" page

4. What is the real location of Hunsford Parsonage? Teigh Old Rectory (I do so want to stay in that B&B!)

5. "It is fortunate for you, Mr. Collins, that you possess such an extraordinary talent for flattering with delicacy. May I ask whether these pleasing attentions proceed from the impulse of the moment, or are they the result of previous study?" Give Mr. Collins's exact response to this question.
 They proceed chiefly from what is passing at the time, sir. I do sometimes amuse myself by writing down and arranging such little compliments as may be adapted to ordinary occasions. But I try to give them as unstudied an air as possible.

6. At what age did both the authors of this blog discover Jane Austen? 

7. In your own words, name one of the Three Things You Ought to Know About P&P.
1: Lizzy Bennet. Y, not ie; one T, not two.
2: P&P95 is FIVE HOURS long. Not six, even though it has six episodes.
3: P&P is NOT a "Victorian" novel, nor is the time period Georgian. It is the Regency.
(These are more explicitly covered here.)

8. What is the name of the Mr. Darcy and Lizzy's dance (from the Netherfield ball)?
Mr. Beveridge's Maggot. (hahahaha.)

9. What is the Jane Austen film that we believe arguably ties with the greatness of P&P?
Emma 2009. (Don't agree with us? Watch it more. Also read the book. And then watch it again.)

10. Lastly, find Lydia. (Don't look at me like that. You'll know what I mean when you know it.) And say where.
This is what you were supposed to be finding:
And this is where it was:

Player Scores
Winner: The Elf 
(first one to get all 10 points)

Caroline L. - 10
BatZion - 10
India Grace - 10
Livia Rachelle - 9
Emily - 8

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Game the Twelfth: An Exploration

Our apologies, everyone, for the lateness of this post. There is a variety of reasons, of course, but we do not intend to bore you by explaining them.

Now. This week, the game is something more than a tad out of the ordinary. It has rather a double intent. Usually games are just for fun, right? Well, this time the purpose is also to get you more acquainted with the website by exploring it. There really is a lot more to The P&P95Forever Club than might immediately meet the eye, and in case all of you haven't had a chance to have a good look around... well, here's motivation. Terrible of me, I know. But it's sort of a scavenger hunt, so I'm hoping it will be fun.

The appearance will almost be rather like a quiz, except your job is, instead of just remembering, to look around the website for the answers. Each correct answer will be worth one point. In the case of more than one person finding everything, whoever completes it first is the winner. Since we're late with the post, the answers will be accepted all the way through Saturday (March 9th), and the results will be posted on Sunday.

Ready to begin the challenge? Go!

1. How old was Jennifer Ehle when P&P was filmed? And where on the blog can you find that information?

2. Name the song (and its composer) that Georgiana is playing during That Scene at Pemberley.

3. What's the link to the full script of Pride and Prejudice, and where on the blog can you find it?

4. What is the real location of Hunsford Parsonage?

5. "It is fortunate for you, Mr. Collins, that you possess such an extraordinary talent for flattering with delicacy. May I ask whether these pleasing attentions proceed from the impulse of the moment, or are they the result of previous study?" Give Mr. Collins's exact response to this question. (Copying & pasting is quite acceptable.)

6. At what age did both the authors of this blog discover Jane Austen?

7. In your own words, name one of the Three Things You Ought to Know About P&P.

8. What is the name of the Mr. Darcy and Lizzy's dance (from the Netherfield ball)?

9. What is the Jane Austen film that we believe arguably ties with the greatness of P&P?

10. Lastly, find Lydia. (Don't look at me like that. You'll know what I mean when you know it.) And say where.