
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Game the Twelfth: An Exploration

Our apologies, everyone, for the lateness of this post. There is a variety of reasons, of course, but we do not intend to bore you by explaining them.

Now. This week, the game is something more than a tad out of the ordinary. It has rather a double intent. Usually games are just for fun, right? Well, this time the purpose is also to get you more acquainted with the website by exploring it. There really is a lot more to The P&P95Forever Club than might immediately meet the eye, and in case all of you haven't had a chance to have a good look around... well, here's motivation. Terrible of me, I know. But it's sort of a scavenger hunt, so I'm hoping it will be fun.

The appearance will almost be rather like a quiz, except your job is, instead of just remembering, to look around the website for the answers. Each correct answer will be worth one point. In the case of more than one person finding everything, whoever completes it first is the winner. Since we're late with the post, the answers will be accepted all the way through Saturday (March 9th), and the results will be posted on Sunday.

Ready to begin the challenge? Go!

1. How old was Jennifer Ehle when P&P was filmed? And where on the blog can you find that information?

2. Name the song (and its composer) that Georgiana is playing during That Scene at Pemberley.

3. What's the link to the full script of Pride and Prejudice, and where on the blog can you find it?

4. What is the real location of Hunsford Parsonage?

5. "It is fortunate for you, Mr. Collins, that you possess such an extraordinary talent for flattering with delicacy. May I ask whether these pleasing attentions proceed from the impulse of the moment, or are they the result of previous study?" Give Mr. Collins's exact response to this question. (Copying & pasting is quite acceptable.)

6. At what age did both the authors of this blog discover Jane Austen?

7. In your own words, name one of the Three Things You Ought to Know About P&P.

8. What is the name of the Mr. Darcy and Lizzy's dance (from the Netherfield ball)?

9. What is the Jane Austen film that we believe arguably ties with the greatness of P&P?

10. Lastly, find Lydia. (Don't look at me like that. You'll know what I mean when you know it.) And say where.


  1. 1. She was 24 (she looks much older I think) and this info was under Fan Material tab and the Actors link. Incidentally, since Colin first was 33, that means their ages although a bit older than those in the book, their age difference is the same. While I am on this page-I have the official making of Pride and Prejudice book, and Emilia Fox (Georgiana) is the daughter of Joanna David (Mrs. Gardiner)and they look like it too! Oh, I just found this on your trivia page. I also just now glimpsed your long answers to my comment on Emma-I have a bad habit of forgetting to subscribe to comments. Spring Break is next week; I must devote some time to this site.
    2. Andante Favori under P&P INRO AND EVERYTHING DIVERTING under music. Awesomeness rising
    3. P&P INRO AND EVERYTHING DIVERTING and under links. Okay, wonderfulness increased tenfold
    4.Teigh Old Rectory. Fan Material and Info, under locations
    5."They proceed chiefly from what is passing at the time, sir. I do sometimes amuse myself by writing down and arranging such little compliments as may be adapted to ordinary occasions. But I try to give them as unstudied an air as possible." Under Fan Material and Info tab, under quotes
    6.You were both 14 and this is found under the About the Authors tab. I was 14 or 15 myself when I first saw the movie.
    7. The proper spelling of Lizzy Bennet (the last name I knew but the first gave me trouble-I remember wondering at the spelling-I think my book had "ancles" and "shew", the time 5 hours (I already knew that-yay me), Regency period lit, REGENCY period. Yes, I have a book regarding customs which groups JA with Charles Dickens which annoys me to know end. This info was found P&P INFO AND EVERYTHING DIVERTING on the sidebar.
    8.Mr. Beveridge's Maggot. This is under P&P INFO AND EVERYTHING DIVERTING on the sidebar. Oh, and maggot doesn't really have the same connotation...obviously, but I don't remember the explanation my book gave. I have a terrible memory
    9. BBC 2009 Emma. I have little sisters who agree or even think its better. I heartly disagree. I HATE this Emma. This info is found under Our Favorite J.A. Films tab.
    10. I cannot find anything of just Lydia. She is in the caption contest but with other people. She is I assume in the screencaps.

  2. 1. 24. Found on Fan Material & Info > Actors

    2. Andante Favori by Beethoven. Found on Fan Material & Info > Music

    3. Found on Fan Material & Info > Links > Script of Pride and Prejudice

    4. Teigh Old Rectory. Found on Fan Material & Info > Locations.

    5.Mr. Collins: They proceed chiefly from what is passing at the time, sir. I do sometimes amuse myself by writing down and arranging such little compliments as may be adapted to ordinary occasions. But I try to give them as unstudied an air as possible
    Found on Fan Material & Info > Quotes > Episode Two

    6. Fourteen. Found on About the Authors.

    7. Elizabeth's nickname is spelt Lizzy, The total running time of the series is five hours, P&P is set in the regency era. Found on Fan Material & Info > Three Things You Ought To Know About P&P

    8. Mr. Beveridge's Maggot. Found on Fan Material & Info > Dances

    9. Emma 2009. Found on Our Favourite J.A. Films

    10. ?????????????

    -The Elf

  3. Okay, here I go:

    1- Jennifer Ehle was 24 during the filming of P&P. You can find this information at Fan Material & Info - Actors.

    2- Adante Favori by Beethoven


    I couldn't find it on the blog, but I found this link - does it still count??

    4- Teigh Old Rectory B&B in Oakham, Rutland.

    5- They arise chiefly from what is passing at the time, sir. I do sometimes amuse myself by
    writing down and arranging such little compliments as may be adapted to ordinary occasions.

    6- Fourteen

    7- Lizzy is spelled with a "Y" not "IE". Lizzy looks better than Lizzie.

    8- Mr. Beveridge's Maggot - easy peasy lemon squeezy!

    9- Emma 2009.

    10- ?? She is on the "actors" page on the Fan Material & Info Page if that's what you mean.

    Otherwise, I have not the pleasure of understanding you.

    Thankyou, that was fun!


  4. Whoops! So sorry! I just entered before I logged out of my sister's account!! That was entered by Emily, NOT Miss Margaret Dashwood!


  5. Livia Rachelle,
    You're right on #2; the composer was also part of the question, can you name him?
    Oh, do you mean What Jane Austen Ate and Charles Dickens Knew? It's an interesting book, though, and at least it mentions what is Victorian and what is Regency. ;)
    Have you seen Emma 2009 only once? Because if so, you should watch it again. Just sayin'. Almost everyone likes it better the second time (even if they liked it to begin with).
    As for #10... just keep exploring. You'll know when you see it. :) As people seem to be having trouble, though, it should be a little easier to find now.
    Your current score is 8 1/2.

    The Elf,
    You have 9 points. Excellent job!
    As for #10... just keep exploring. You'll know when you see it. :) As people seem to be having trouble, though, it should be a little easier to find now.

    Emily-not-Miss-Margaret, (heehee)
    You do have the right link on #3, so I'll give you half a point, but do see if you can try to find where it's linked to on the blog.
    Do you have the third sentence for the quote in #5?
    As for #10... just keep exploring. You'll know when you see it. :) As people seem to be having trouble, though, it should be a little easier to find now.
    You have 8 points currently.

    Thanks everyone!

  6. 1. How old was Jennifer Ehle when P&P was filmed? 24 years old. And where on the blog can you find that information?

    2. Name the song (and its composer) that Georgiana is playing during That Scene at Pemberley. Sonatina No. 4 by Clementi

    3. What's the link to the full script of Pride and Prejudice?

    4. What is the real location of Hunsford Parsonage? Teigh Old Rectory Bed and Breakfast

    5. "It is fortunate for you, Mr. Collins, that you possess such an extraordinary talent for flattering with delicacy. May I ask whether these pleasing attentions proceed from the impulse of the moment, or are they the result of previous study?" Give Mr. Collins's exact response to this question. (Copying & pasting is quite acceptable.)"They arise chiefly from what is passing at the time, sir. I do sometimes amuse myself by
    writing down and arranging such little compliments as may be adapted to ordinary occasions.But I try to give them as unstudied an air as possible."
    6. At what age did both the authors of this blog discover Jane Austen? 14

    7. In your own words, name one of the Three Things You Ought to Know About P&P. First, how to spell Lizzy Bennet correctly. Second, the miniseries is five (not six!) hour. Third, the novel was published in the regency era, when the ladies wore empire waists, not wigs or hoop skirts.

    8. What is the name of the Mr. Darcy and Lizzy's dance (from the Netherfield ball)? MR. BEVERIDGE'S MAGGOT. HEE HEE HEE.

    9. What is the Jane Austen film that we believe arguably ties with the greatness of P&P? Emma 2009 (I argue "not")

    10. Lastly, find Lydia. (Don't look at me like that. You'll know what I mean when you know it.) And say where. Here:

  7. Here are my attempts at answering this quiz. :) I found this quite delightful and easy as I already had had a quick look around the place. :)

    1. How old was Jennifer Ehle when P&P was filmed? And where on the blog can you find that information? She was 24 and that was found at

    2. Name the song (and its composer) that Georgiana is playing during That Scene at Pemberley. Sonatina No. 4 by Clementi

    3. What's the link to the full script of Pride and Prejudice?

    4. What is the real location of Hunsford Parsonage? Teigh Old Rectory (Bed & Breakfast)

    5. "It is fortunate for you, Mr. Collins, that you possess such an extraordinary talent for flattering with delicacy. May I ask whether these pleasing attentions proceed from the impulse of the moment, or are they the result of previous study?" Give Mr. Collins's exact response to this question. (Copying & pasting is quite acceptable.) "They proceed chiefly from what is passing at the time, sir. I do sometimes amuse myself by writing down and arranging such little compliments as may be adapted to ordinary occasions. But I try to give them as unstudied an air as possible."

    6. At what age did both the authors of this blog discover Jane Austen? At the most delightful age of 14

    7. In your own words, name one of the Three Things You Ought to Know About P&P. 1.) The heroine of the story's name is spelt L-I-Z-Z-Y, most certainly not L-I-Z-Z-I-E 2.) Everyone assumes that because the series is six episodes long is is thus six hours long... but no, it is only 5 and a half hours. And a most worth 5 and a half hours at that 3.) This novel - Pride and Prejudice that is - is based during the Regency era, the time from 1811 to 1820

    8. What is the name of the Mr. Darcy and Lizzy's dance (from the Netherfield ball)? 'Mr Beveridge's Maggot'

    9. What is the Jane Austen film that we believe arguably ties with the greatness of P&P? BBC Emma 2009 (and I think I agree with you here!)

    10. Lastly, find Lydia. (Don't look at me like that. You'll know what I mean when you know it.) And say where. I think this is the right one... when Lydia and Kitty meet Lizzy and Maria and throw a lunch, there they tell the girls about Wickham's break up with Mary King.... :/

  8. I found Lydia! Fan Material & Info > Videos

    - The ELf

  9. 1. Jennifer was 24 years old during P&P. This information is in the list of actors accessed from the Fan Material and Info page

    2. Andante Favori by Beethoven

    You can find it under Fan Material and Info, Links.

    4. Teigh Old Rectory (Bed & Breakfast)

    5. They proceed chiefly from what is passing at the time, sir. I do sometimes amuse myself by writing down and arranging such little compliments as may be adapted to ordinary occasions. But I try to give them as unstudied an air as possible.

    6. Both were 14

    7. P & P 95 is five hours long! Yes, it's in six episodes, but they are only about 45 minutes each!

    8. Mr. Beveridge's Maggot

    9. Emma 2009

    10. ??

  10. Just adding to my recent comment.
    10. well, I found a Lydia... on the members role! Does that count?? :)

    Thanks for such a fun game!

  11. Caroline L.,
    On #2 you have one of Georgiana's pieces, but not the one I meant. (It's during the scene pictured.)
    Heehee, your last answer for #7 amused me. ;)
    It sounds like #8 means something to you?
    And as to the film on #9, I wouldn't have thought so at first, either. But then I watched it again. And again and again and...
    Good job finding Lydia!
    You have 9 points.

    On #2 you have one of Georgiana's pieces, but not the one I meant. (It's during the scene pictured.)
    Oh good! Somebody who finally agrees with me on #9! ;)
    On #10, I think I can see why you thought that... haha. I forgot that "Don't look at me like that" was a Lydia quote! ;) Anyways, if you look around more on the blog (not searching for anything in particular) you'll know when you see it. ;)
    You have 8 points.

    The Elf,
    Yay! You're the first one to find everything! :)

    India Grace,
    On #10, just keep looking. You'll know when you see it. :)
    You have 9 points! Great job!

  12. Glad to have amused you. ;]

    I must have gotten confused on number 2. If retries are acceptable, then I modify my answer to Beethoven's Andante Favori.

  13. #2: Andante Favori by Beethoven ... Quite a few of us didn't read the paragraph properly! :)

    #10: Ha ha ha! Here she is! :)

  14. Caroline L. and BatZion,
    Updated scores: 10 points each. Congratulations!

  15. I finally found Lydia... :) she's on the videos page

  16. Yes, I have seen 2009 more than once. I think I meant I hate Emma herself; the Emma movie I hate is the Gweneth Paltrow one. Part of the reason I don't wholly love that movie is Emma-she spoils the wonderful effect of everything else in the movie. The other part of the reason is that I watched the Kate Beckinsale version before even reading the book, so it is hard to replace, and yes, I have read Emma more than once I believe, and that abominable Emma in the 2009 does NOT fit her-she is too silly, immature and modern acting, one of my friends or some blogger thought the actress was overcompensating for being too old-28 or 29.

  17. Livia Rachelle,
    I am sorry you feel that way about Emma 2009; I truly think anyone who dislikes it is missing out. Romola Garai was 26 at the time of filming--yes, she was five years too old for the part, but in all honesty I think she was much better suited to the role than Kate Beckinsale or Gwyneth Paltrow.

  18. No actor ever fits a Jane Austen character precisely... but I find Romola Garai's a very pleasing representation. Some of the things in the movie may be a little modern, but not in the same way that I consider the Miramax version to be modern (and I do). However, I think the point was for her to act immature. A driving force in the story is about her maturing, even though she thinks she's so clever and grown-up at the beginning. I think it's splendid because at the end you really can see a difference in her--she's still animated and exuberant (which is suited to Emma), but she's not quite so... bouncy. ;)
    Unlike in the Kate Beckinsale version; while I enjoy her performance, she acts the same at the beginning as she does at the end.

    And yes indeed... liking this Emma brings such joy to us. :)


"I believe we must have some conversation, Mr. Darcy. A very little will suffice."
~Elizabeth Bennet, episode two

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