
Monday, March 11, 2013

Game the Thirteenth: Trivia Quiz {3}

These trivia questions all come from the delightful third episode-- though why I am distinguishing it from the others with the word "delightful," I really could not say, for they are all worthy of that appellation.

And why I am so formal in Club posts, I couldn't say either.

1. Finish the quote and tell who said it:  "Charlotte! Engaged to Mr. Collins! _________!"

2.  Who does Mr. Bennet say would be able to "jilt Lizzy creditably"?

3. What song do Mary and Maria Lucas perform together at the Philips' Christmas party?

4.  Of what are the famous shelves in the closet "the very essence"?

5. What does Lizzy think must have happened when Maria freaks out about Anne de Bourgh stopping by the parsonage?

6. How old is Lizzy?

7. What excuse does Lizzy give for wanting to return home after her walk with Colonel Fitzwilliam?

8.  What does Mr. Darcy beg most fervently in his first proposal?

9.  What time is it during Mr. Darcy's first proposal?

10.  Complete the quote and tell who said it:  "I had not known you a month before..."

Have fun! Answers will be revealed on Saturday.


  1. 1. "Impossible!"

    2. Mr. Wickham

    3. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

    4. Practicality

    5. The pigs had got into the garden

    6. 20 (She is not one and twenty...)

    7. A sudden headache. Perhaps she walked to far today.

    8. That Elizabeth would put an end to his suffering and consent to be his wife.

    9. Afternoon

    10. I knew that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever marry.

  2. Heehee, I like that pictuhe...
    You are so formal because all this delving into the details of P&P makes you so. :)

    I do love JA trivia... here I go!

    1. "ImPOSsible!"

    2. Wickham. He's a pleasant enough fellow. ;)

    3. "God Rest Ye, Merry Gentlemen" (let nothing you dismaaay...)

    4. Mmm... "practicality and convenience", I believe.

    5. She thought at least that the pigs had got into the garden!

    6. She is not one and twenty. (Which I assume means she's 20, but I guess it never did say. Considering she has a sister between herself and Kitty and Kitty is 17, probably almost 18, since she's two years older than Lydia, though, it is most likely.)

    7. She suddenly had a headache of phenomenal dimensions. Er, that is, 'a sudden headache--perhaps she had walked too far today'.

    8. That she will relieve his suffering, and consent to be his wife. (I think. I mean, I think that was the wording. Obviously he was proposing marriage. :P)

    9. OH NO THIS ONE GOT ME. Argh! I should know this, because I remember reading on Trivia what time it said... but I don't notice the time on clocks like that usually, as I hardly ever read the old-fashioned kind myself. Unlike you who doesn't even use Roman numerals... :P
    Okay, completely random guess (I mean, I have about a 1-in-180 chance of being right, hahaha)... 7:06.

    10. "I felt that you were the LAST man in the world whom I could EVAH marry!" (And in the book, this would be "the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed upon to marry", heehee.)
    I find this hard to believe, though. Wouldn't Mr. Collins be the last man in the world she could ever marry? I guess she might rather be married to an idiot than a man who's heart (as she thought) was in the wrong place.

    There! I said somebody's heart was in the wrong place. I knew I'd find an opportunity to say that sometime. ;)

    Very fun m'dear! Episode 3 is Amazingness.

  3. Or would it be "unlike you who don't even use"? Blah... either one sounds bad. I should just have reworded it. :P

  4. 1. Impossible! Says Lizzy
    2. Wickham?
    3. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
    4. Of Lady Catherine de Bourgh's kindness?
    5. The pigs have broken into the garden
    6. Not one and twenty, that is, twenty.
    7. She has a sudden headache.
    8. That she would relieve his suffering and consent to be his wife.
    9. 6:15? I don't think the time on the clock changes throughout the entire proposal scene!
    10. I felt you were the last man in the world whom I could EVER marry! Says Lizzy

    - The Elf

  5. 1."Impossible!" (Said by Elizabeth Bennet)
    2. George Wickham
    3."God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen"
    4.The very essence of... PRACTICALITY!
    5."I thought at least that the pigs had got into the garden."
    6. "I'm not one and twenty" - in other words, she was twenty at the time.
    7. "A sudden headache - perhaps I've walked too far today."
    8." relieve my suffering, and consent to be my wife."
    9. Around 6:17 pm
    10. "... I felt you were the last man in the world whom I could EVER marry!"

  6. 1. "IMPOSSIBLE!"
    2. Wickham
    3. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
    5. That the pigs have gotten into the garden
    6. Not one and twenty (20)
    7. She has a headache
    8. For Lizzy to release him from his suffering and consent to be his wife
    9. Uhh... 5:00? I don't know.
    10. "...I felt you were the last man I could EVER marry!" said by Lizzy Bennet

  7. ok... I don't know all of these, but I'll do my best :)

    1. "Charlotte! Engaged to Mr Collins! Impossible!"
    2.Mr Wickham
    3. No clue...
    4.They are the very essence of practicality.
    5. She thinks that the pigs must have got into the garden at least!
    6. Lizzy is not yet 20.
    7. She is tired and has a headache.
    8. ...umm, that she will listen to him?
    9. 6:15 ish, I think, actually I don't really know...
    10. "I had not known you a month before I knew you were the last man on earth that I could be prevailed upon to marry." Said by Lizzy, of course!

  8. 1. "Impossible!"
    2. Wickham
    3. It's not Sweet Afton is it? That must be from a different P&P adaptation.
    4. Modernity?
    5. "I thought at least that the pigs had gotten into the garden!"
    6. "Not one and twenty."
    7. Headache?
    8. That Elizabeth let him tell her how much he admires and loves her.
    9. Four o'clock? I can see the clock on the mantle but can't remember where the hands are pointing.
    10. "...I thought you were the last man in the world who I could ever be prevailed upon to marry!" And Elizabeth Bennet of course!

    And I still haven't seen the film in quite a while so these answers all come from my failing memory. :(

  9. 1. Impossible. Lizzy
    2. Mr. Wickham
    3. Don't remember. I am always to busy noticing how badly the actress who played Maria mouthed the song!
    4. Practicality? Ingenuity? A happy thought indeed?!
    5. The pigs have gotten out in the garden.
    6. Not one and twenty.
    7. Headache. It was a real one though.
    8. Lizzy's acceptance? Or for her to hear him out?
    9. Hah, the clock is shown isn't it? I don't remember. I want to say nine but it was daylight. 5?
    10. I knew you were the last man in the world I would ever marry.

  10. Okay, here goes...

    1. "Charlotte! Engaged to Mr. Collins! Impossible!" - Elizabeth.

    2. Mr. Wickham.

    3. God Bless Ye Merry Gentlemen.

    4. They are the very essence of Practicality and Convenience.

    5. "I thought at least that the pigs had got into the garden!"

    6. Not One-and-twenty. (Twenty years old.)

    7. A sudden headache.

    8. " allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you..."

    9. 6:17 pm

    10. "I had not known you a month before I felt you were the last man in the world whom I could ever marry."

    There is my entry!


  11. Whoops, just a correction on question

    8." relieve my sufferings and allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you..."

    Hope that's acceptable!


  12. 1. "Charlotte! Engaged to Mr. Collins! Impossible!" - Lizzy
    2. Mr. Wickham
    3. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
    4. Practicality!
    5. "I thought at least the pigs had got into the garden."
    6. "Not one-and-twenty."
    7. "A sudden headache."
    8. "I beg most fervently that you relieve my suffering and consent to be my wife."
    9. Oh, I noticed the clock... I think it said 6:15?
    10. "I had not known you a month before I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could EVER marry." - Lizzy

  13. ok. here i go. I am already ashamed of how little I know of my favorite series...
    1. ...Impossible!' by Lizzy
    2. is it Wickham?
    3. I honestly have know idea but I think it was a Christmas song. I hope. ;)
    4. efficiency.
    5. that the pigs had gotten into the yard!
    6. not yet one and twenty
    7. she felt fatigued and had a headache?
    8. I can only remember: 'I must tell you how ardently I admire and love you.'
    9. ummm... daytime?
    10. ...I knew you were the last man in the world I could ever marry!' you knew wrong, lizzy!

    god bless you!


"I believe we must have some conversation, Mr. Darcy. A very little will suffice."
~Elizabeth Bennet, episode two

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