Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Become a Member

We'd love to welcome you as a Member of the club! First read the details on the Members page and be sure to follow the blog, and then comment on this post or send us an e-mail at Elizabeth.pandp95@gmail.com if you would like to be listed on the Membership Roll.  We will respond to your email as soon as possible and send you a lovely Membership Button to display on your blog! (So if you are leaving a comment, do include your e-mail address; in a separate comment if you'd prefer it not to be published.)


Rhoswen Faerie Wrose said...

Ooh! Oooh! Me! Me! I would love to join! I am following, and according to the Members page, I am Experienced. (But with a touch of Master. ;-) )
This is definitely my cup of tea! :-D

Miss Marianne said...

Rhoswen Faerie Wrose,
I am so very delighted! I've listed you on the Members page. If you would like a member button to put on your blog, do leave your email address or send us an email. :)

Unknown said...

I was so excited I was just about ready to go and watch the whole P&P movie when I heard about this club! Really.

All right, I believe I am Master. I refuse to tell you how many times I have watched this film. =)

There is simply no way I could resist the temptation to join. *happy dance*

Unknown said...

I'd love to join! I would include myself under the "Experienced" level. My email address is emucoleman@gmail.com. Thank you for creating this lovely blog!

BanrĂ­on An Gheimhridh said...

May I join, too?! Pleeeeeeeease, please please please?! I am already following, and Pride and Prejudice 1995 is my favorite version of Pride and Prejudice, and one of my most favorite movies ever, along with North and South! I think I would be between "Experienced" and a "Master". I have no idea how many times I have seen Pride and Prejudice 1995. Let's just say, way more than more than a lot of times. It's impossible to get tired of watching it. This is my email address: dervla24@gmail.com. *begins to dance a jig*

Livia Rachelle said...

I believe I have read the book at least twice, I don't know the amount of times--I would say at least three times straight through. I have watched the movie because I have gone in and out when my little sisters are watching. I have also read the book about the making of it. I would say I am between a level three and four. Oh, this was such a good idea!

Jessica said...

I think I am between levels 3 and 4. I believe I've read the book at least twice, and this movie is WAY better than any other P&P, that is for sure and certain.
I do not know how many times I've watched it, maybe 10? Haha

BatZion said...

*squeal!* I cannot tell you how excited to was to find out about this awesome club! :)

I would love to become a member! :) I'd have to say I'm on level three: experienced, with a slight dash of master... :)

Lydia said...

please add me to your membership roll!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont have a blog so you dont need to send me a blog button.... i am following (by email as well) i am a level 4: a master..... i watched this first when i was younger and have read the book more than 15 times... (i lost count after 15) i have watched the movie more than i can count.....i love love love LOVE this book and movie!!!!!! i am sooooooooooooo excited about this blog!!!!!!!!!!

Caroline L. said...

Mmmmmmm...this blog is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me.

I JEST! I JEST! In truth, I began following the blog as soon as I knew it existed (and before reading the already posted entries!).

Crafts4others said...

Not sure what level I would be at either one or two. I have seen the movie a few times, although I have never read the book. I do have it, and it is on my classic clubs list. So I will be reading it sometime in the near future.

Emily Blakeney said...

I'd love to become a member! I am somewhere between Membership Levels 3 & 4. I prefer 1995 to the 2005 indefintely!

Margaret Hale said...

I' m probably level three. I can't say it's my favorite period drama *ducks* but it' s definitely my favorite of all Jane Austen' s books. I' d love to join!

Unknown said...

Hi, I'd love to be a member, please! :) Please put my name down as Dee Crow and thank you for this amazing blog! :D


Beth said...

OOOOOOHHHH YES PLEASE!!!! Do forgive me, my feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I wish to become a member of this blog.
My email is erreitsma@gmail.co.nz

Beth said...

Hello, can you please email me a blog button to this address:

Katelyn said...

I would love to be a member! I found this blog a few weeks ago and instantly became a follower. I have enjoyed reading the posts and the contests are a lot of fun!

Barbarian1+donkey said...

I would LOVE to be member, fantastic blog. I have seen p&p95 literally more times than I can count. Death to all other adaptions! My email is hilarious89@hotmail.com

India said...

Ooh, I'd love to be a member! I think I'd put myself under experienced. P&P95 is my favourite PEriod Drama film!

My email is...


Thanks! I can't wait for my button to come!

Eloise Kate said...

This sounds great! I'd love to be a member. I love P&P95!
My email is


India said...

I would love to become a member! I think I fall in the experienced category, thought with perhaps a little of the master as well... :)

My email is heaveninmyheart96@gmail.com

India (as opposed to Eloise who accidentally used my account before...)

Lizzie said...

I would be delighted if I could be a member! I think I would count as a master, I have read the book and watched the movie so many times I've lost count.

Lizzie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kathleen Wentworth said...

Dear Miss Marianne and Miss Dashwood,

I would be delighted to become a member of this wonderful blog...I think that I am level three and a half, for the reason that I have watched P&P95 at least 10 times:)! I have never heard of such a club before...I have always wanted to be part of something of this sort! You are doing a great job so far...Please add me!

God Bless,


Anonymous said...

I'd love to become a member!! Like Kathleen said, I'm probably a level three and a half because I've seen the movie a million times and can quote it in and out. Very familiar with the story. Howevs. I've never read the book. Definitely on my To Read list, though! What level does that make me?

-Eowyn of inklings press-

TMichelle said...

I'd like to become a member. I'm probably at level 2.5.

Catie Dunlap said...

I must join! I flatter myself that I am somewhere between levels 3 and 4. My email is cedsaid@gmail.com

Joan said...

I have watched the movie several times, read the book several times, and the movie is I think my very favorite period drama. I'm guessing I'm level 3.
P.S. I quote the book and movie with my best English accent constantly.

Sally said...

I'd love to be a member of this fabulous club! I think I am at level four, even though I am not a master! I have watched the film a lot - maybe I did it too much!- and I read the book several times (every time is like the first!).
Hugs from Sara (Italy).

Liza G said...

I'd love to become a member - and accordingly to the chart, I'm a master *sheepish grin* I kinda knew that before I even saw what "master" meant….I quote this movie so much I forget that I'm quoting it :P And I did read the book FIRST (Mother's rules) before watching the movie, and my book cover is about to fall off I've read it so many times, and I'm in constant fear that my DVDs aren't going to last much longer :P

Miss Marianne said...

Liza (and whomever else it may concern),
You've been added to the members list. Don't forget that if you want member buttons for your blog to email us at shelvesinthecloset95 {at} gmail {dot} com! :)

Naomi said...

Please! I'd love to be a member! I don't own a blog... but I am a very experienced and ardent fan of P&P95. I L.O.V.E. your blog as I love anything to do with P&P.

Evangeline said...

OOOOOOOOOOh fun! Yes please! I would love to be a member :) I am a proud member of supporting this version to my classmates who are all insisting on the 2005 version!

Miss Marianne said...

I've added you to the list! If you would like a membership button for a blog/website, feel free to email us.
Thanks for joining! :)

Evangeline said...

Oh thank you ever so much Miss Marianne! :)
I will send you an email soon!

sewveryblessed said...

Please add me to your member list!!!
sewveryblessed09 at gmail dot com.

Thank you so much!

Ivy Miranda said...

Great site : ) I love this movie, I first saw it when I was ten or eleven and it's been a favorite ever since(and I read the book...once). Can I be added?


Miss Marianne said...

Hi Ivy,
Thanks for joining! If you'd like a membership button for your blog, do email us at shelvesinthecloset95@gmail.com.

Unknown said...

Hello again!
please send me a blog button to:
Thanks heaps!

Kirsten Fichter said...

I can't believe that I'm *just* getting around to applying for membership. Avid Level Three fan here, girls, with an awful case of procrastination. I'll work on that. ;)

In the meantime, I'd love to be included! My email is liannetaimenlore(at)gmail(dot)com.

Hannu Heino said...

Please add me into the membership roll.

I've become a keen fan of Austen's texts and of the P&P in particular. The '95 adaptation is a masterpiece, too!

Yours, etc

Hannu Heino
hannu.heino (at) sci.fi

Abi said...

Do you need a email address or blog in order to join?

Miss Marianne said...

In order to become a member, you need to follow the blog, which is done either with a Google account or "follow by email", which will send you a message when there's a new post. So we don't need to see your email address for you to be a member. Do you have one?

Abi said...

No, I don't, but my parents let me use their's sometimes...I'll have a chat to them. Thanks for your help!

Miss Marianne said...

Miss Dashwood and I are willing to make an exception with you until you have an email address of your own. :) As long as you think you'll be checking back often, we can add you as a member. What do you say?

Unknown said...

Just wondering if you could please change my name in the members list to 'ainsley' instead of Eponine?


Abi said...

Miss Marianne,
Ok...cool...yeah, I reckon I'll be checking back often..so if you could do that...that would be great!

Unknown said...

I do think I should love to join! I am unsure if I would fit in level one or level two though. I've seen the entire series through twice with agreement that it is THE adaption to choose! Although I've yet to read the book entirely. A few chapters I did read in my twelfth grade homeschooling course last year.

God Bless and thank you for all the work that you do to secure the legacy of historic drama for years to come!

Reyna Nicole said...

I would love to be a member of this delightful club! I've been following for quite some time now - I'd say I'm a level three. ;)

Reyna Nicole

Miss Marianne said...

Kimberly Grace,
Have you followed the blog already? I don't see you in the followers box but I have been known to miss people. :)

Unknown said...

Oh! I love that this exists! :D I would love to become a member of this lovely club! 1995 all the way. :)

Miss Marianne said...

Hi Hannah! We would love to add you to the membership list... can you leave us a comment with your email, or email us at shelvesinthecloset95[at]gmail[dot]com so we can send you a membership button? We won't share your email, we promise. :D

Miss Elizabeth said...

I should be honored if you would include me on your membership list. I first watched the 1995 version when I was twelve, after having read Pride and Prejudice. Since then, I have watched the movie more times than I can count, have introduced every female (and one male) family member to the movie. I suppose that, since I can quote entire scenes from memory, and that I cannot think of the newer version as the "true" P&P, I qualify as a level four member.

Yours, etc.


Evelyn Louise said...

This is one of my most favourite movies ever! What a lovely find! i'd adore to be a member!
~Evelyn Louise

Awdur said...

I would LOVE to be a member! I've read the book quite a few times, but have, alas, only seen the '95 P&P version 1.5 times (I live in a house with '05 fans...). Through no choice of my own, you understand. I have a great desire (but little time at the moment) to watch it.

(And would greatly appreciate a membership button!)

Awdur said...

Oops, forget to put in my email: the.lady.awdur@gmail.com

Anonymous said...

Great stuff. Let me join this club, and I'd say I fit in level III. Moreover, it is the particular recommendation of Lady Catherine de Bourgh that I should join P&P95Forever Club.

My email is liyiwill@icloud.com


Liyi Zhang said...

I'd love to join the club. It is the particular recommendation by Lady Catherine de Bourgh that I become a part of this elegant and respectable organization.

Unknown said...

Count me in! I believe I'm either a level III or IV... '05 doesn't hold a candle to Colin Firth!!!

Unknown said...

I absolutely ADORE this series. I could not say or even think of a negative thing about it! The acting? Phenomenal! The historical accuracy? Perfect! True to the book? YES!
My mom and I have watched the series a countless amount of times and I require my boyfriends to watch it (the current one didn't mind so much...hehe!) I could quote the entire movie right now! And as I listen to the soundtrack (which is quite often) I can always remember what scene each piece is in reference to. My mother and I watch it quite often as we own the series on Blu-Ray, have it on our respective iPads, own the DVD version, and the VHS tapes! Whenever I meet someone who has seen it I get very excited. In fact whenever I hear someone mention it I get excited. For example, on Downton Abbey, there was a scene in which one character mentions the part when Lizzy comes upon Mr. Darcy after touring Pemberley and that she was very embarrassed. I looked at my mom and we both laughed!
My parents even named one of there rental businesses "Pemberley" (because my father LOVES the house in the movie - he always says he'll buy it one day for my mother and him to retire in!) And the motto on their business card is "Your good opinion of us once lost, is lost forever." I'm pretty sure you could tell me who says that and when!
Anyway, when I found this page I was so excited and now have it bookmarked on my browser. Thanks so much for creating it, as I come here often and read posts and other sections of the site. Can't wait to be an official member of this awesome club! My e-mail is catherine.boone@tulsacc.edu
(I apologize for the length of this comment!)

Unknown said...

I absolutely ADORE this series. I could not say or even think of a negative thing about it! The acting? Phenomenal! The historical accuracy? Perfect! True to the book? YES!
My mom and I have watched the series a countless amount of times and I require my boyfriends to watch it (the current one didn't mind so much...hehe!) I could quote the entire movie right now! And as I listen to the soundtrack (which is quite often) I can always remember what scene each piece is in reference to. My mother and I watch it quite often as we own the series on Blu-Ray, have it on our respective iPads, own the DVD version, and the VHS tapes! Whenever I meet someone who has seen it I get very excited. In fact whenever I hear someone mention it I get excited. For example, on Downton Abbey, there was a scene in which one character mentions the part when Lizzy comes upon Mr. Darcy after touring Pemberley and that she was very embarrassed. I looked at my mom and we both laughed!
My parents even named one of there rental businesses "Pemberley" (because my father LOVES the house in the movie - he always says he'll buy it one day for my mother and him to retire in!) And the motto on their business card is "Your good opinion of us once lost, is lost forever." I'm pretty sure you could tell me who says that and when!
Anyway, when I found this page I was so excited and now have it bookmarked on my browser. Thanks so much for creating it, as I come here often and read posts and other sections of the site. Can't wait to be an official member of this awesome club! My e-mail is catherine.boone@tulsacc.edu
(I apologize for the length of this comment!

Unknown said...

This is my favorite movie, and book of all time. I am a romantic at heart, and cannot get enough of either the book or movie.

Beth in boots said...

Oooh fun! I have read the book once and watch the series once. I just followed!