
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Game the Forty-Fourth: Double Challenge Caption Contest {2}

Back in June we hosted a 'Double Challenge Caption Contest,' and as we received a number of entries, I've decided to do it again. :)

So. Here's how it goes.

Rather than giving you a picture to make up a caption for, you get to find your own. Any P&P screencap you want. The Club's stock is right here, and then for a very extensive selection, go here or here. It can be easier to find funny ones since the Club's screencaps don't usually freeze weird faces and that sort of thing. ;) But you can even take your own if you want to. It just has to be from P&P95. (Yes, thank you, Mary.)

There are three ways to submit your entry...
1) Comment on this post with a link to the picture in question and your caption
2) Make your own captioned picture, post it on your blog, and comment on this post with a link
3) Make your own captioned picture and send it to us at shelvesinthecloset95 (Gmail account)

Any questions? Let us know!

Please get your caption to us by the the time a new game is posted (probably on Monday). We'll select a winner within the next day.

Have at it, folks, and a very Happy Thanksgiving! :)


  1. Can our captioned picture consist of more than one picture put together (with a caption of course!)?

    - The Elf

  2. The Elf,
    Yes, within reason. :) (That is to say, as long as it isn't like a really long string of pictures, haha.)

  3. But but I was thinking of stringing 130 pictures together!!!

    Haha no I was only thinking like two or three max; just wanted to check so thanks for the quick reply! :)

    - The Elf

  4. The link:

    The caption: Last one back is a rotten egg!


  5. Only ended up with one picture after all :)

    Caption: "Here are your perfectly normal Pancaaakes, Kids!" (From Kid Histories)

    - The Elf

  6. This is not a submission. I'm just wondering, who won?



"I believe we must have some conversation, Mr. Darcy. A very little will suffice."
~Elizabeth Bennet, episode two

We must have YOUR share in the conversation! Do please leave us a comment, because we would simply love to hear from you. Comments are a happy thought indeed--we ask only that you keep your conversation civil, God-honoring and family-friendly.