
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Game the Forty-Fourth: Double Challenge Caption Contest {2}

Back in June we hosted a 'Double Challenge Caption Contest,' and as we received a number of entries, I've decided to do it again. :)

So. Here's how it goes.

Rather than giving you a picture to make up a caption for, you get to find your own. Any P&P screencap you want. The Club's stock is right here, and then for a very extensive selection, go here or here. It can be easier to find funny ones since the Club's screencaps don't usually freeze weird faces and that sort of thing. ;) But you can even take your own if you want to. It just has to be from P&P95. (Yes, thank you, Mary.)

There are three ways to submit your entry...
1) Comment on this post with a link to the picture in question and your caption
2) Make your own captioned picture, post it on your blog, and comment on this post with a link
3) Make your own captioned picture and send it to us at shelvesinthecloset95 (Gmail account)

Any questions? Let us know!

Please get your caption to us by the the time a new game is posted (probably on Monday). We'll select a winner within the next day.

Have at it, folks, and a very Happy Thanksgiving! :)

Sunday, November 24, 2013

True/False Trivia Quiz: Answers

Here are the answers to last week's game, folks!

1. The lady who owned Luckington Court (Longbourn) and let her house be disrupted for the filming was offered the role of an extra in P&P, but declined.

2. The actors who played Sir William and Lady Lucas were married in real life.
False (as far as I know :P)

3. Colin Firth had read Pride and Prejudice before being offered the role of Mr. Darcy.
False. But he read it afterwards, and before playing Mr. Darcy, and has since read all of Jane Austen's novels, I believe, and has a proper appreciation for them.

4. Jennifer Ehle first read P&P when she was twelve, and adored it (and Elizabeth) from the very first.
True. Everyone give her a hand!!

5. Lucy Davis (Maria Lucas) originally auditioned for Lydia Bennet.
True. In fact, she almost got the part, but they wanted somebody more experienced.  They were impressed by how much work she put into it, though.

6. Crispin Bonham-Carter was partially chosen because he looked distinctively different than Colin Firth's Mr. Darcy so that no one would get them confused.

7. Susannah Harker (Jane) and Jennifer Ehle (Lizzy) both had wigs made to play their characters.
False. Lizzy's hair was a wig, but Jane's was Susannah's own (dyed a bit lighter, and cut in front for the Regency style).

8. There was a slight panic when the dance scenes at Lucas Lodge were about to be filmed, because somebody had recently waxed the floor and it was far too slippery to dance on. The polish wouldn't come off so someone finally suggested un-slip-ifying the floor by mopping it with Coke, and it worked.
True! I found this hilarious.

And our winner is Kerry, with everything right! Everyone did a pretty good job though!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Game the Forty-Third: True/False Trivia Quiz

For my birthday I received a copy of the book The Making of Pride and Prejudice, which pleased me very much.  So as I've been poking through there, I've been gleaning all sorts of new and interesting trivia facts, so I decided to compile a little quiz.  All you have to do is identify the facts as true or false.

1. The lady who owned Luckington Court (Longbourn) and let her house be disrupted for the filming was offered the role of an extra in P&P, but declined.

2. The actors who played Sir William and Lady Lucas were married in real life.

3. Colin Firth had read Pride and Prejudice before being offered the role of Mr. Darcy.

4. Jennifer Ehle first read P&P when she was twelve, and adored it (and Elizabeth) from the very first.

5. Lucy Davis (Maria Lucas) originally auditioned for Lydia Bennet.

6. Crispin Bonham-Carter was partially chosen because he looked distinctively different than Colin Firth's Mr. Darcy so that no one would get them confused.

7. Susannah Harker (Jane) and Jennifer Ehle (Lizzy) both had wigs made to play their characters..

8. There was a slight panic when the dance scenes at Lucas Lodge were about to be filmed, because somebody had recently waxed the floor and it was far too slippery to dance on. The polish wouldn't come off so someone finally suggested un-slip-ifying the floor by mopping it with Coke, and it worked.

Answers will be posted this weekend.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What's Wrong With This Quote?: Answers

And we have our answers in!  The messed-with quote comes first, followed by the correct one, with the correction highlighted.

Now... let me see if I've got this right, Jane. Your father's sister is named Mrs. Phillips?
~Mrs. Hurst

Now... let me see if I've got this right, Jane. Your mother's sister is named Mrs. Phillips?
~Mrs. Hurst

Lady Catherine de Bourgh. Indeed I am, sir. I have been invited twice to dine at Rosings Park. I have been treated with such affability, such condescension, as I would never have dared to hope for.
~Mr. Collins

Lady Catherine de Bourgh. Indeed I am, sir.  I have been treated with such affability, such condescension, as I would never have dared to hope for. I have been invited twice to dine at Rosings Park.
~Mr. Collins

I’m sure she could not have bestowed her kindness on a more grateful recipient.
~Jane Bennet

I’m sure she could not have bestowed her kindness on a more grateful recipient.
~Lizzy Bennet

Mr. Darcy, I really believe you take too much upon yourself.
~Lizzy Bennet

Mr. Darcy, I really believe you take too much upon yourself.
~Mr. Gardiner

Mama! Mama! Where is my new locket that Jane brought me from London? Mary, have
you seen my new locket?
~Kitty Bennet

Mama! Mama! Where is my new locket that Lydia brought me from London? Mary, have
you seen my new locket?
~Kitty Bennet

Almost from the earliest moments of our acquaintance I have come to feel for you a passionate admiration and regard which, despite all my struggles, has overcome every rational objection; and I beg you, most ardently, to relieve my suffering and consent to be my wife.
~Mr. Darcy

Almost from the earliest moments of our acquaintance I have come to feel for you a passionate admiration and regard which, despite all my struggles, has overcome every rational objection; and I beg you, most fervently, to relieve my suffering and consent to be my wife.
~Mr. Darcy

Kitty, you're squashing my bonnet!
~Lydia Bennet

Kitty, you're squashing my bandbox!
~Lydia Bennet

I'm not romantic, you know; I never was. I ask only a comfortable home and a respectable husband. And, considering Mr Collins' character and situation in life, I am convinced that my chance of happiness with him is as fair as most people can boast on entering the marriage state.
~Charlotte Lucas

I'm not romantic, you know; I never was. I ask only a comfortable home. And, considering Mr Collins' character and situation in life, I am convinced that my chance of happiness with him is as fair as most people can boast on entering the marriage state.
~Charlotte Lucas

I confess I’ve hardly had time to write; my young cousins have commandeered almost every moment! But they are such dear children. Our mother indeed finds their exuberance a little trying for her nerves.
~Jane Bennet

I confess I’ve hardly had time to write; my young nieces and nephews have commandeered almost every moment! But they are such dear children. Our mother indeed finds their exuberance a little trying for her nerves.
~Jane Bennet

And I am sure he and his wife kept a very good sort of shop before his elevation to the knighthood.  Poor Darcy, what agonies he must be suffering.
~Caroline Bingley

And I am sure he kept a very good sort of shop before his elevation to the knighthood.  Poor Darcy, what agonies he must be suffering.
~Caroline Bingley

And our winner is... 
Melody, with seven out of ten correct!  Thanks to everyone who played!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Game the Forty-Second: What's Wrong With This Quote?

I'm one of those people who goes out in public wearing a shirt that says "I Randomly Quote Jane Austen."  (So is Miss Marianne, in point of fact.)  And as any avid Jane Austen (or, specifically, P&P) quoter will tell you, the most embarrassing thing in the whole world is getting a quote wrong-- unless maybe it's accidentally speaking words that came from FakeP&P.  "You have bewitched me, body and-- UGH WHAT AM I SAYING CALL THE POISON CONTROL CENTER."

Um, anyways.

The point of this game is to test your expertise in the area of P&P95 quotes.  I have compiled a list of ten quotes from the miniseries, and each one has something wrong with it.  Sometimes it's as little as one word being changed-- sometimes it's as big as being cited with the wrong character.  Your job is to figure out the mistake and leave your answers in a comment.  One try per person, and we'll announce a winner on Saturday.

(Please note that all tweaked quotes have been taken verbatim-- and then tweaked-- from this online script.  We are playing this game based on the assumption that the script is correct-- if there is indeed a mistake in it, I am sorry for not being able to catch it, but the game is based on the script and that will be the final authority for correct answers.  Oh, and of course, it's not fair to go looking up quotes in the script before you submit your comment.  You must rely on your memory.  Thanks!)

So... how well do you know the dialogue of P&P95?

Now... let me see if I've got this right, Jane. Your father's sister is named Mrs. Phillips?
~Mrs. Hurst

Lady Catherine de Bourgh. Indeed I am, sir. I have been invited twice to dine at Rosings Park. I have been treated with such affability, such condescension, as I would never have dared to hope for.
~Mr. Collins

I’m sure she could not have bestowed her kindness on a more grateful recipient.
~Jane Bennet

Mr. Darcy, I really believe you take too much upon yourself.
~Lizzy Bennet

Mama! Mama! Where is my new locket that Jane brought me from London? Mary, have
you seen my new locket?
~Kitty Bennet

Almost from the earliest moments of our acquaintance I have come to feel for you a passionate admiration and regard which, despite all my struggles, has overcome every rational objection; and I beg you, most ardently, to relieve my suffering and consent to be my wife.
~Mr. Darcy

Kitty, you're squashing my bonnet!
~Lydia Bennet

I'm not romantic, you know; I never was. I ask only a comfortable home and a respectable husband. And, considering Mr Collins' character and situation in life, I am convinced that my chance of happiness with him is as fair as most people can boast on entering the marriage state.
~Charlotte Lucas

I confess I’ve hardly had time to write; my young cousins have commandeered almost every moment! But they are such dear children. Our mother indeed finds their exuberance a little trying for her nerves.
~Jane Bennet

And I am sure he and his wife kept a very good sort of shop before his elevation to the knighthood.  Poor Darcy, what agonies he must be suffering.
~Caroline Bingley

{And just so ya know, all the mistakes found in these quotes are wording mistakes or citation mistakes-- punctuation is not the issue at stake.  Or should I say mistake? No, I think I should shut up.}