
Monday, August 26, 2013

Game the Thirty-Third: P&P Headline Acronyms

This week's game is based on one I played recently at the historical house where I volunteer.  The game I played featured a list of fake headlines heralding major events in history, along with the year in which the event took place.  The player's object was to guess the content headline-- a difficult task at times, as the headline was written in acronym form (that is, only the first letter of each word).  So "R.M. S. T. S. on M. V." (1912) translated to "Royal Mail Steamer Titanic Sinks on Maiden Voyage," an event that happened in 1912.  Our game this week follows a similar pattern, except the fake "headlines" are all events from P&P95, and instead of years we have episodes.  (Because everything took place in 1813-1814, and I just thought telling you the episode would make things a little easier.  Obviously, the headlines are NOT in chronological order.) Comment with your best guess as to what each acronym stands for, and the winner will be announced on Saturday!

S. Y. G. M. to N. (Episode 1)

G. W.'s D. P. B. to L. (Episode 4)

J. B. C. T. C. (Episode 1)

L. B. E. W. G. W. (Episode 5)

C. L. A. M. C.'s P. of M. (Episode 3)

M. C. P. to E. B. & I. R. (Episode 2)

F. D. C. E. B. "T., B. N. H. E. to T. M." (Episode 1)

L. B. W. to G. to B. (Episode 4)

F. D. M. E. B. & C. B. M. J. B. in D. W. (Episode 6)

F. D.'s P. of M. to E. B. I. R. (Episode 3)


  1. 1. Some Young Men Go to Netherfield. (that would switch G and M as you have it, but that is just what I thought of)
    2. George Wickham's to Lydia/London/Longbourne
    3. Jane Bennet
    4. Lydia Bennet Elopes With George Wickham!
    5. Charlotte Lucas Accepts Mr. Collin's Proposal of Marriage!
    6. Mr. Collins Proposes to Elizabeth Bennet and Is Rejected!
    7. Fiztwilliam Darcy Calls Elizabeth Bennet "Tolerable, But Not Handsome Enough to Tempt Me."
    8. Lydia Bennet Wants to Go to Brighton!
    9. Fitzwilliam Darcy Marries Elizabeth Bennet and Charles Bingley Marries Jane Bennet in Double Wedding!
    10. Fitzwilliam Darcy's Proposal of Marriage to Elizabeth Bennet Is Rejected!

  2. This is a very fun idea! Let's see...
    1. Some Young Gentlemen Move to Netherfield? That was all I could think of...
    2. George Wickham's Dark Past Brought to Light? Not sure about this one either, but it seems to fit all right.
    3. Jane Bennet Catches the Cold? :D
    4. Lydia Bennet Elopes With George Wickham
    5. C.L.A. Mr. Collin's Proposal of Marriage?
    6. Mr. Collins Proposes to Elizabeth Bennet and Is Refused.
    7. Fitzwilliam Darcy Calls Elizabeth Bennet, "Tolerable, But Not Handsome Enough to Tempt Me."
    8. Lydia Bennet Wants to Go to Brighton
    9. Fitzwilliam Darcy Marries Elizabeth Bennet and Charles Bingley Marries Jane Bennet in Double Wedding
    10. Fitzwilliam Darcy's Proposal of Marriage to Elizabeth Bennet Is Revealed
    That's the best I can do- great game! :)

  3. 1. Single Young Gentleman Moves to Netherfield

    2. George Wickham's Despicable Personality Brought to Light (Hehe, I struggled with this one, and I don't feel confident this is right, but it's the best I came up with!)

    3. Jane Bennet Comes To Call

    4. Lydia Bennet Elopes With George Wickham.

    5. Charlotte Lucas Accepts Mr. Collin's Proposal of Marriage

    6. Mr. Collins Proposes to Elizabeth Bennet & Is Rejected

    7. Fitzwilliam Darcy Calls Elizabeth Bennet "Tolerable, But Not Handsome Enough to Tempt Me."

    8. Lydia Bennet Wants to Go to Brighton.

    9. Fitzwilliam Darcy Marries Elizabeth Bennet and Charles Bingley Marries Jane Bennet in Double Wedding.

    10. Fitzwilliam Darcy's Proposal of Marriage to Elizabeth Bennet Is Rejected.


    But I think I've got a lot of them after Much Deliberation. :D

    1. Single Young Gentleman Moves to Netherfield (?)

    2. This is one I don't know... George Wickham's something or other. :P

    3. Um... not sure about this one. Jane Bennet Catches The Cold? No, no, that's not it. Hahaha. Maybe I'll figure it out later...

    4. Lydia Bennet Elopes With George Wickham.

    5. Charlote Lucas Accepts Mr. Collins' Proposal of Marriage (idiot! :P)

    6. Mr. Collins Proposes to Elizabeth Bennet & Is Refused (not an idiot!)

    7. Fitzwilliam Darcy Calls Elizabeth Bennet "Tolerable, But Not Handsome Enough to Tempt Me" (BAHAHAHA this one is hilarious)

    8. Lydia Bennet Wants to Go to Brighton (HAHAHAHA cracked me up!)

    9. Fitzwilliam Darcy Marries Elizabeth Bennet & Charles Bingley Marries Jane Bennet in Double Wedding (?)

    10. Fitzwilliam Darcy's Proposal of Marriage to Elizabeth Bennet Is Refused (haha, apparently she likes refusing proposals--or so people who read this newspaper would think. In reality it's just that people like to propose to her. HAHAHA.)

  5. 1 S.Y.G.M. to Netherfield
    2 George Wickham's
    3 Jane Bennet Catches The Chill / Cold
    4 Lydia Bennet Elopes With George Wickham
    5 Charlotte Lucas Accepts Mr. Collin's Proposal of Marriage
    6 Mr. Collins Proposes to Elizabeth Bennet and Is Refused
    7 Fitzwilliam Darcy Calls Elizabeth Bennet "Tolerable But Not Handsome Enough to Tempt Me"
    8 Lydia Bennet Wants to Go to Brighton
    9 Fitzwilliam Darcy Marries Elizabeth Bennet and Charles Bingley Marries Jane Bennet in Double Wedding
    10 Fitzwilliam Darcy's Proposal of Marriage to Elizabeth Bennet Is Refused.

    - The Elf

  6. Miss Margaret Dashwood & Miss Darcy (Emily)August 30, 2013 at 2:41 AM

    1-"Some Young Gentleman Moves to Netherfield"

    2 - "George Wickham's D. P. B. to Lydia

    3- "Jane Bennet C. T. C.

    4- "Lydia Bennet Elopes with George Wickham"

    5- "Charlotte Lucas Accepts Mr. Collins' Proposal of Marriage"

    6- "Mr. Collins' Proposal to Elizabeth Bennet is Rejected"

    7- "Fitzwilliam Darcy Concerning Elizabeth Bennet: "'Tolerable, But Not Handsome Enough to Tempt Me"'

    8-" Lydia Bennet Wants to Go to Brighton"

    9- "Fitzwilliam Darcy Marries Elizabeth Bennet and Charles Bingley Marries Jane Bennet in Double Wedding"

    10- 'Fitzwilliam Darcy's Proposal of Marriage to Elizabeth Bennet is Rejected"

    There are our answers for this time!

    - Emily (Miss Darcy) and Miss Margaret Dashwood

    (P.S. We are commenting at the same time because we get the same answers anyway =).)
    (P.P.S. Where the Capital letters are left uninterpreted we are stumped =). Please count those numbers as 1/2 a point, 1/4 point,or whatever you judge suitable =). )

  7. Mrs. George Knightley :)August 30, 2013 at 10:35 PM

    Hello! I love games like this! :)

    1. SYGM to N
    Single Young Gentlemen Move to Netherfield

    2. GW's DPB to L
    George Wickham's Despicable Past Brought to Light

    3. JBCTC
    Jane Bennet Catches Terrible Cold

    4. LBEWGW
    Lydia Bennett Elopes With George Wickham

    5. CLAMC's P of M
    Charlotte Lucas Accepts Mr Collin's Proposal of Marriage

    6. MCP to EB & IR
    Mr Collins Proposes to Elizabeth Bennett & Is Rejected

    7. FDCEB "T, BNHE to TM"
    Fitzwilliam Darcy Calls Elizabeth Bennett "Tolerable, But Not Handsome Enough to Tempt Me"

    8. LBW to G to B
    Lydia Bennett Wants to Go to Brighton

    9. FDMEB & CBMJB in DW
    Fitzwilliam Darcy Marries Elizabeth Bennett & Charles Bingley Marries Jane Bennett in Double Wedding

    10. FD'sP of M to EBIR
    Fitzwilliam Darcy's Proposal of Marriage to Elizabeth Bennett Is Rejected


"I believe we must have some conversation, Mr. Darcy. A very little will suffice."
~Elizabeth Bennet, episode two

We must have YOUR share in the conversation! Do please leave us a comment, because we would simply love to hear from you. Comments are a happy thought indeed--we ask only that you keep your conversation civil, God-honoring and family-friendly.