
Monday, July 8, 2013

Announcing: The P&P95Forever Club's First Giveaway!

Tomorrow, an extremely amazing thing is going to happen.

The authors of this blog, Amy and Melody, are going to see each other in real life for the very first time.

Yes, yes, 'tis true. (And if you wish to know more, read one of these posts.)  In celebration of this, we are hosting a giveaway.

Well, not just because of that, of course--we have been contemplating a giveaway for some time--but we thought this would be a splendid time to actually do it.  The two of us can't have ALL the fun, right?

And we are super excited about what we have to offer you, thanks to the contribution of several generous Jane Austen-loving ladies!  Yes, I think let's talk about the goodies first.

Mr Darcy Elizabeth Bennet Pride and Prejudice Digital Download
This lovely print is a digital file (yes, thank you, Mary...) that can be used for your own personal crafts... it can go on things like cards and t-shirts, or even just to print out and frame. The perk about this prize is that it allows our outside-of-the-U.S. readers to be able to enter. 


Mr.Darcy  and Lizzy Get Lost 5x7 art print.  Jane Austen. Pride and Prejudice.    Elizabeth and Georgiana at the piano.  Art print. 5x7.
How beautiful are these?! And they are delightfully faithful to our own dear 1995 adaptation! They would belong on the wall of any P&P95 fan's sitting room. 

So, so excited about this one... have you ever heard of the Bingley's Teas company, where you can find all sorts of delightful Jane Austen-themed teas? Weeeell...

In this box of tea you get a sample of the teas themed for "Miss Elizabeth," "Mr. Darcy," "Sweet Jane," and a "Longbourn Wedding Tea." Isn't that dreamy??? The sampler was designed particularly for P&P's 200th anniversary, and now it graces our little giveaway.

And now, all you have to do is enter! ;)  Let's try to make this easy for you, anyways...

How to earn entries:
~Follow this blog publicly. *2 entries*
~Join/become a member of The P&P95Forever Club (see how here). *2 entries*
~If you are a member, post an "I am a member..." button on your blog or website. *1 entry* (These are sent to you when you join.)
~Post about this giveaway on your blog. (If you do not have a blog, let us know what you DO have and we will try to accommodate you.) *2 entries*
~Participate in the "How I Met P&P95" blog series by submitting your story. *1 entry* 
~Go to Alice Flynn's Etsy shop and have a look around. Come back here and tell us an item that particularly caught your eye. *1 entry*
~Ditto with Masha Laurence's Etsy shop... *1 entry* 
~And do the same thing with the Bingley's Teas website. *1 entry*

How to enter: Simply leave a comment, or comments, letting us know which of the above you accomplish. Do include your email (or blog address, if you are sure you will see a comment if we leave one) so we can let you know if you win, in addition to it being announced on this blog. Feel free to leave an email address in a separate comment and tell us if you'd prefer it not to be published.
If you like, let us know which of the items above you would particularly like to win, and we shall try to get you that one if it works out. If two winners wanted the same item, we'll flip a coin or something as to who gets what. Also be sure to let us know if you live outside of the U.S. As mentioned above, the digital P&P file is what you will be entering for, as the other two are limited to U.S. residents only.

Entries will be accepted through July 13th at 12:00 AM Pacific time. We will be drawing the winners together, in real life (!!!!!!!) on the 14th, and will post the winners on the 15th!

Have at it, folks! 


  1. EEP!!! SO excited for you guys!! : D

    I'll definitely be participating.

    I follow your blog on Bloglovin' - does that count? I also just commented on the Become a Member post (I'm either a level two or three). I should've become a member a long time ago - I guess I've just never gotten around to it. (I also kindasorta forgot about this blog. But I've rediscovered it! Ha!)

    Anywhoz. Wishing you two all the best during your trip!! Remember to show me pictures and tell me ALL ABOUT IT!!!


  2. I am a member, have a button on my blog and publicly follow the blog.
    The Miss Elizabeth tea sounds most delightful!
    I saw a print on Alice Flynn's etsy shop that says "A woman Worthy of Being Pleased" I really like.
    More entries to come! Have a pleasant visit!!

  3. I am a member and follow the blog and have a button which would be 5 entries thus far-do we have to publish a comment for each entry? Some giveaways have it that way and some don't.

  4. 1. I am following this blog publicly
    2. I'm a member of the P&P95 Club
    3. I have no blog so sadly I can't post a membership button
    4. Even tho I have no blog I could post about it on Google+ and Facebook & let my friends know!
    5. I have submitted a little story on how I met P&P95
    6. So hard to pick! I think though that this little print would be hard to pass by! (
    7. This is such a charming picture (
    8. I'm not a tea drinker but this one made me laugh! ( It would be a great present for someone!

  5. Livia Rachelle,
    It can be in however many comments you want. We aren't picky. ;)

  6. Hello! What a super-duperly agreeable thing to post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am ecstatic! But, my entries:

    -I follow the Blog
    -I am a member
    -I have an "I am a member button" on my blog Here:

    -I have posted about the giveaway at the above link also (my apologies for the briefness of the post, I was in a hurry to earn as many entries as possible)

    -I have emailed my "How I Met P&P95" entry for the blog series

    -My favourite thing at Alice Flynn's etsy shop was the Pemberley brooch here:

    -I tried to look at Masha Laurence's etsy shop, but she is away, and I couldn't view the shop :(

    -At Bingley's Teas, I particularly like the look of the P&P Anniversary Notions Sampler.. ..

    Oh, this is one time I wish I lived in the US!! :( Obviously, I don't, but the digital print still looks pretty cool!


    (P.S. You should have giveaways more often ;) That was fun!)

  7. 1) I follow your blog
    2) I am a member (highest level :) could you send me a member button. I can't find mine anywhere
    3) you have found mr. Darcy t-shirt on aliceflynn etsy
    4) sink me the scarlet pimpernel picture from marshelaurence 
    5) compassion for mrs. Bennet's nerves tea from bingley's tea
    I will do the rest and let you know when I'm done. I like the first two prizes btw

  8. I posted about this giveaway on my blog. Do you need the link?

  9. My blog link is:

  10. I posted about the giveaway on my blog here

    I already submitted my "How I Met P&P95" story

    I visited Bingley's Teas and like several including Emma's Pefect Match and Longbourne Wedding Tea and Marianne's Wild Abandon.

    I visited Alice Flynn's etsy site and thought her Pemberly and Pride and Prejudice Buttons were cute.

    I visited Masha Laurence's etsy site and wanted everything. I like the Jane Austen Heroines and Heroes art prints, the Sir Percy art print, the JA I said.
    I think that should be 6 more entries.

  11. 1.I follow this blog.
    2.I am a member of the P&P95 club.
    3.I do not have a blog.
    6.I thought this picture quite charming:
    7.This is a lovely print:
    8.I love tea so this was rather hard but I believe that this tea looks truly scrumptious and has a lovely name:

  12. I just posted about the giveaway on my blog and saw a beautiful keepsake box on Masha Laurence's Etsy shop.
    My blogsite is: bring-your-own-books(dot)blogspot(dot)com.

    I also like the prints you posted by Ms. Laurence. Those would be my personal choice if I win :D

  13. I follow your amazing blog

    I am a member

    The button is on my blog

    I posted on my blog

    My favourite item from Alice Flynn is the "I'd rather be at Pemberly" print

    I love Masha Laurence's meeting at Pemberly print

    Thanks so much for hosting this blog. I am not from the USA


  14. Hi!
    I follow your blog. And I'm a member and there is a button on my blog, The Society of Elegant Young Ladies.I posted about it too.This is funny! And I would love to have this keepsake box!

    I think the Miss Elizabeth tea looks delightful!
    I have emailed you the story of how I met P&P95.
    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  15. So, by now you two are together and having a fabulous time, I'm sure! I'm so excited for you!

    1. I follow publicly.
    2. I am a member.
    3. The button is on my blog.
    4. In Alice Flynn's Etsy shop, there are so many cute things! I love this button:
    5. Mash Laurence's Etsy shop has many lovely things, too! The reading in the garden print caught my fancy.
    6. Bingley's Tea, Emma's Perfect Match sounds delightful!

    If I get a chance to post about it on my blog or enter the "How I Met P&P95" series I'll come back and post another comment.

    Best wishes for a delightful time together, ladies! =)

  16. ~Follow this blog publicly. *2 entries* - I have. :)
    ~Join/become a member of The P&P95Forever Club (see how here). *2 entries* - I have. :)
    ~I do not have a website.
    ~I'm on Pinterest and I will go right now to Pin this site. *2 entries*
    ~Participate in the "How I Met P&P95" blog series by submitting your story. *1 entry* - I did. :)
    ~Go to Alice Flynn's Etsy shop and have a look around. Come back here and tell us an item that particularly caught your eye. *1 entry* - I did. I like the You Have Found Mr. Darcy shirt and button.
    ~Ditto with Masha Laurence's Etsy shop... *1 entry* - I liked the Jane Austen's leading men print.
    ~And do the same thing with the Bingley's Teas website. *1 entry* - I liked the P&P Collection

  17. Submitted my story (before I saw the post that it should be 300 words, I don't think it was quite that long...)

    Posted about the giveaway here:

  18. Did you get my email? Could you send me a member button please?

  19. 1. I followed this blog.
    2. I am a proud member of this GREAT club.
    3. My blog has the member button...right on the main page :
    4. I posted about this giveaway on my blog. Here is the post:
    5. I have participated in the blog series. Check your e-mails!
    6. From Alice Flynn's Etsy Shop, I admired the little plaque entitled: Jane Austen Janeite Art Print. I would if I could hang this up in my room, proclaiming to all WHOM I ADMIRE!
    7. I fell in love with Masha Laurence's Pride and Prejudice Keepsake box. SOOO adorable! I would keep a journal within this pretty and elegant box...Nice illustrations on top of it.
    8. I would definitely choose Compassion For Mrs. Bennet's Nerves, a herbal tea. I saw in the description that it had chamomile and peppermint, my favorite tea flavors!​

    And my favorite prize is the Bingley Teas.

    This is exciting!!!!! Hooray for P&P 95!


  20. Please enter me! I am about to go follow this blog!
    The Tea sounds AMAZING!! I love tea :) It all is wonderful though!
    In Christ,
    Oh yeah...this is my blog:


  21. I've done everything. Buttons are on my blog. So I have 11 entries

  22. I started following your blog & I have always wanted to try the Bingley's Teas.

    Sarah Grace

  23. Thanks to everyone who entered! This giveaway is closed as of Sunday the 14th.

    ~Miss Marianne


"I believe we must have some conversation, Mr. Darcy. A very little will suffice."
~Elizabeth Bennet, episode two

We must have YOUR share in the conversation! Do please leave us a comment, because we would simply love to hear from you. Comments are a happy thought indeed--we ask only that you keep your conversation civil, God-honoring and family-friendly.