
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Game the Twenty-Third: Caption Contest {8}

{{Apologies for the lateness of this one!}}

You know the drill by now.  Exercise your witty witticisms upon this highly interesting piece of photography--

---and the rules are what they always are. We request clean and funny captions (you may submit more than one), and the winning caption will be posted on Saturday, &c., &c.


  1. My caption suggestion is in honour of Eliza Doolittle day yesterday:

    "I have often walked down this room before - but the carpet always stayed beneath my feet before!

    - The Elf

  2. Now we play toss the crumpled napkin into the hat...but BACKWARDS!

  3. Really, Mr. Bennet, you can occasionally take a walk OUTSIDE.

  4. I would escape this place if I could only find the door!


"I believe we must have some conversation, Mr. Darcy. A very little will suffice."
~Elizabeth Bennet, episode two

We must have YOUR share in the conversation! Do please leave us a comment, because we would simply love to hear from you. Comments are a happy thought indeed--we ask only that you keep your conversation civil, God-honoring and family-friendly.