
Monday, April 29, 2013

Game the Twentieth: Caption Contest {7}

Here is the picture on which you are to exercise your wit--

--and the rules are as general. We request clean and funny captions (you may submit more than one), and the winning caption will be posted on Saturday, &c., &c.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Game the Nineteenth: Answers

Following up Monday's Name the Actor post...

1) Col. Fitzwilliam
Anthony Calf

2) Charlotte Lucas

Lucy Scott

3) Charles Bingley

Crispin Bonham-Carter

4) Georgiana Darcy

Emilia Fox

5) Harriet Forster
Victoria Hamilton
6) Jane Bennet

Susannah Harker

7) Lady Catherine de Bourgh

Barbara Leigh-Hunt

8) Louisa Hurst

Lucy Robinson

9) Mary Bennet

Lucy Briers

10) Mr. Bennet

Benjamin Whitrow 

Extra credit:
Sarah the Maid
Kate O'Malley


Miss Margaret Dashwood: 60%
Jane: 40%

Thanks to those who played! ;) Guess this one was a bit tricky! Be on the lookout for the next amusement on Monday.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Game the Nineteenth: Name the Actor

This game is very simple: it just tests your knowledge of the actors' names from P&P95. Five years ago I recognized hardly any actors names... now I recognize all sorts, although most of them are British! :)

Anyways. I'll give you the character name, and then you guess the actor who played the character. 2 points each, for a total of 20 (or 25 if you happen to know the extra credit). You can guess up to two times. Play from memory!! 

1) Col. Fitzwilliam

2) Charlotte Lucas

3) Charles Bingley

4) Georgiana Darcy

5) Harriet Forster

6) Jane Bennet

7) Lady Catherine de Bourgh

8) Louisa Hurst

9) Mary Bennet

10) Mr. Bennet

And I've got to do something really obscure for extra credit (let's say, 5 points if you can really get this from memory) --
Sarah the Maid

Answers will come on Saturday.

Screencap Scavenger Hunt - Answers

Sorry for the delay in getting this up, y'all!  First off, I'd like to thank everyone for participating-- and to announce that we've set a record today, because everyone who competed in this game ended up winning.  How cool is that?

No, I'm not being one of those annoying kids' event coordinators whose mantra is "everybody's a winner"-- I really mean that you all found all the right screencaps in this scavenger hunt!  Of course, no two sets of answers were alike, but that's because this game is pretty open-ended.  I loved browsing through all your choices for each item on the list.  

In case you're interested, here are the pictures I had in mind as I compiled the hunt list...

Elizabeth and Georgiana curtseying to each other

Mr. Bingley looking confused (lots of choices for this one!)


Mr. Darcy smiling (not at the wedding!).  I couldn't choose between these two-- and I was thrilled to see that you ladies came up with several other pictures as well! I see a "Proof That Mr. Darcy Does Indeed Smile" post in the near future...


Lydia Bennet wearing a bonnet (again, many choices).
Mary Bennet at the pianoforte

Mr. Darcy wearing stockings (and though I don't withdraw my statement that the stockings look ridiculous, I do realize that they were the fashion at formal events in those days, and he wasn't the only one wearing them!)

Mrs. Bennet listening at the door

Mrs. Gardiner writing a letter

Caroline Bingley drinking tea (though as some pointed out, she's technically just holding the cup in this photo)

Wicked Wickham at the seaside

Maria Lucas looking frightened (several options for this as well!).

Jane Bennet with her hair down (I had no idea there were so MANY pictures that fit this criteria... Jane seems to run around with her hair down for half the movie! KIDDING, KIDDING. This isn't Fake P&P, after all.)

Thanks for playing!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Caption Contest Winner and Throwdown Result

Caption Contest {6}
Winner of last week's caption contest is Miss Margaret Dashwood!

Throwdown: Worst P&P Cover
And the worst P&P cover according to popular vote is....

I would have to agree. That has to be the model for the saying "You can't tell a book by its cover." Somebody picking up that book because of what it looks like would be in for a major surprise! They probably wouldn't get past page 2. ;)

Sorry this was late, folks! (And sorry if we sound like a broken record... :P)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Two things...

One: Don't forget about the caption contest, everybody! You still have all of Friday to come up with something. ;) Feel free to submit captions on this post.

Two: The poll on the sidebar seems to have messed up. I know there were a lot more than five votes (in fact, before it said six...) so you may want to try to re-vote if it lets you. If you want to bother, you know. Just thought I'd point it out.

Miss Marianne

Monday, April 8, 2013

Throwdown {1}: Worst P&P Cover

Here's a little amusement for the week in addition to the caption contest! :)

Throwdown: Worst P&P Cover
We all see them now and then... covers of Jane Austen novels that are a complete misrepresentation and they just kind of make you cringe. Well, I realized recently just how many awful covers for P&P there are. Since it's Jane Austen's most popular story, of course it is the most published. (I mean, don't cite me on that, but it seems reasonable. :P) So, I've chosen 10 covers and we must all vote on which one is the most horrendous. I think this might make a fun discussion, too, so be sure to comment and say what you voted for, and which other ones you think are the worst. Also, if you know of any other covers I didn't put her, do share! ;)

One begins to understand why people automatically think of P&P as "a romance"...
and good grief, did you read the blurb at the top? *grimace*

Somebody compared this one to Twilight, and I'm going to have to agree... ugh.
And again with the stupid line at the top.

Cough. No comment.

Um... interesting. I would have loved to see the rest of the illustrations. :P

Bleh. Just not JA.


This is actually the cover of the first copy I ever read... I liked the font, 
but I always thought the cover quite ugly.

If it needs to look like your typical novel in the teen section
for a teen to read it, they need to find another book.

Okay, well the cover itself is pretty but... um? 
Since when is P&P a 20th-century novel?


This one's a trick question. Sowwee, you can't vote on it.
It has an unfair disadvantage.

Game the Seventeenth: Caption Contest {6}

Usual and general rules apply for the caption contest-- don't forget that you can leave more than one entry!  The game will close on Friday and a winner will be announced Saturday.

Your General Quote Game - Answers

Sorry this wasn't up before, everybody! I... uh, kind of forgot...

1. Yes, yes, but this is all extremely vexing.  I am QUITE put out!
Lady Catherine de Bourgh - episode 4

2. I think one would be willing to put up with a good deal to be mistress of Pemberley.
Mrs. Gardiner - episode 4

3. I am resigned. Resignation is never so perfect, as when the blessing denied begins to lose somewhat of its value in our estimation.
Mr. Collins - episode 2

4. What's the matter, Mamma? Why do you keep winking at me? What am I to do?
Kitty - episode 6

5. Well, well, what do we live for, but to make sport for our neighbors, and laugh at them in our turn?
Mr. Bennet - episode 6

6. The very rich can afford to give offense wherever they go. We need not care for their good opinion.
Elizabeth - episode 1

7. Well, we must allow her to be an excellent walker, I suppose. But her appearance this morning—she really looked almost wild.
Louisa Hurst - episode 1

8. I know you find great enjoyment in professing opinions which are not your own.
Mr. Darcy - episode 3

9. We must stem the tide of malice, and pour into each other's wounded bosoms the balm of sisterly consolation.
Mary - episode 5

10. You think that, Jane, if it gives you comfort.
Mr. Bennet - episode 5

Yup, I realize that a lot of those are next to each other. Did it throw you off? ;) See, in games everybody expects things to be completely scrambled... so when they aren't it can be confusing in itself.

On to the results!

Our winner is.... Miss Margaret Dashwood, with 100 points! Good job!

And we had several who were very close...
Caroline L. - 95
Lizzie - 95
Emily - 95
BatZion - 80
The Elf - 70
Kiri Liz - 60
Livia Rachelle - 45

Keep an eye out for the next game later today!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Game the Sixteenth: Your General Quote Game

--For any of you who were confused at the supposedly 'blank' post yesterday, that was just an April Fool's prank. Scroll down and then highlight it and all will be revealed. ;) For those of you who figured it out and commented, I will be taking comments on either post into account.--

The quotes in P&P, as we know, are one of the best things about the movie. So today, here is a challenge to recognize some of them. Usually it seems we do something a bit more challenging like making you finish the quote or whatever, but to be honest I'm a bit starved for ideas at present so I'm just going to throw some random ones out there, and your job is to guess who said them. Oh, wait, we'll add a bit more of a challenge and make you guess what episode they come from, too.

And, of course, do not cheat and peek at the quotes although it may be easy to. ;)

5 points for each correctly-guessed character and another 5 for guessing the right episode. Have fun! Answers will be posted on Saturday.

1. Yes, yes, but this is all extremely vexing.  I am QUITE put out!

2. I think one would be willing to put up with a good deal to be mistress of Pemberley.

3. I am resigned. Resignation is never so perfect, as when the blessing denied begins to lose somewhat of its value in our estimation. 

4. What's the matter, Mamma? Why do you keep winking at me? What am I to do?

5. Well, well, what do we live for, but to make sport for our neighbors, and laugh at them in our turn?

6. The very rich can afford to give offense wherever they go. We need not care for their good opinion.

7. Well, we must allow her to be an excellent walker, I suppose. But her appearance this morning—she really looked almost wild. 

8. I know you find great enjoyment in professing opinions which are not your own.

9. We must stem the tide of malice, and pour into each other's wounded bosoms the balm of sisterly consolation.

10. You think that, Jane, if it gives you comfort.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Game the Sixteenth: Your General Quote Game

The quotes in P&P, as we know, are one of the best things about the movie. So today, here is a challenge to recognize some of them. Usually it seems we do something a bit more challenging like making you finish the quote or whatever, but to be honest I'm a bit starved for ideas at present so I'm just going to throw some random ones out there, and your job is to guess who said them. Oh, wait, we'll add a bit more of a challenge and make you guess what episode they come from, too.

And, of course, do not cheat and peek at the quotes although it may be easy to. ;)

5 points for each correctly-guessed character and another 5 for guessing the right episode. Have fun! Answers will be posted on Saturday.

1. Yes, yes, but this is all extremely vexing.  I am QUITE put out!

2. I think one would be willing to put up with a good deal to be mistress of Pemberley.

3. I am resigned. Resignation is never so perfect, as when the blessing denied begins to lose somewhat of its value in our estimation. 

4. What's the matter, Mamma? Why do you keep winking at me? What am I to do?

5. Well, well, what do we live for, but to make sport for our neighbors, and laugh at them in our turn?

6. The very rich can afford to give offense wherever they go. We need not care for their good opinion.

7. Well, we must allow her to be an excellent walker, I suppose. But her appearance this morning—she really looked almost wild. 

8. I know you find great enjoyment in professing opinions which are not your own.

9. We must stem the tide of malice, and pour into each other's wounded bosoms the balm of sisterly consolation.

10. You think that, Jane, if it gives you comfort.


Happy April Fool's Day! This post will take on a normal appearance tomorrow. If you can see this, you are a clever creature indeed. :)