
Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Soundtrack Game - Answers

Here is the answer video for last week's soundtrack game, and more details below it, as well as links to the full songs.

Title - Lydia's Elopement
Track number - 18

Title - The Gardiners
Track number - 7
The Gardiners are arriving from London for a Christmas visit.


Title - Thinking About Lizzy
Track number - 17
Mr. Darcy is doing a nightly round of some sort, I think, with his ugly dog trotting along behind him, and pauses in the room with the piano, remembering The Look and being generally contemplative. 

Title - Telling the Truth
Track number - 12
This is while Mr. Darcy is writing his letter-- that's the narrative anyways; at this point in the song we are seeing some things to do with Georgiana and Wickham. It's one of my favorite songs on the soundtrack--it has some nice dramatic parts. ;)

Title - Pemberley
Track number - 14
The Gardiners and Elizabeth arrive at Pemberley, and the latter is taken by its beauty. 

Title - Winter into Spring
Track number - 8
This song varies in events, but begins with the two youngest Miss Bennets and Mrs. Bennet suffering the winter doldrums  then shows Elizabeth reading a letter from Jane and of course we are made aware of the contents. The clip of the song in the video was right after that bit, when Elizabeth is taking a walk in the newly spring-like weather.

Title - Return of Bingley
Track number - 21
Mr. Bingley is returning to Netherfield "and the whole town is talking of it!"

Title - Canon Collins
Track number - 5
We are first introduced to Mr. Collins through his letter to Mr. Bennet. This song suits him amazingly well, I always think. In fact, all adaptations of P&P except the fake 2005 version have a theme song for Mr. Collins and they are always amusing. This one's the best, of course. Goes without saying. ;-)

Title - Rosings
Track number - 10
The Hunsford Parsonage party are going to Rosings and meet Lady Catherine.

Title - Double Wedding
Track number - 23
Happy ending.

Our winner is: Katrina, with 90% (that is, 9/10 correct).
Other player scores:
Miss Elizabeth Bennet - 76%
The Elf - 68%
Jane - 50%
Emily - 32%
Livia Rachelle - 24%

Thanks, everybody! Keep an eye out on Monday for the next activity. :)


  1. This was a lot of fun! The music is one of my favorite parts of P&P, so I am most happy to see that I won the game. :)

    Thanks for the quiz!

    Katrina @ Edelweiss Patterns

  2. Wow, I cannot believe that I went so well! 50% is pretty impressive! ;P


"I believe we must have some conversation, Mr. Darcy. A very little will suffice."
~Elizabeth Bennet, episode two

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