
Monday, January 21, 2013

Game the Sixth: Congratulations Contest

"It is no secret.  I am writing a letter to my [authoress]."
~Mr. Darcy, Episode One

200 Years of Pride and Prejudice at Elegance of Fashion

On January 28th, 1813, Jane Austen published Pride and Prejudice.  Next Monday it will have been 200 years since that auspicious event that changed history (hey, books can change history too).  Miss Elizabeth Bennet of Elegance of Fashion (click on the button to go to her blog) is hosting a blog party in honor of the bicentennial, and on Thursday Miss Marianne and I will be guest posting at her blog.  (We'll link to that post after the fact.)

Today we will be having a little contest in honor of the upcoming bicentennial.  Wouldn't you just love to write to Jane Austen, if you could?  She may be dead now, but you can still write to her this week as part of the game here on the Club!  Simply write a short letter of congratulation to Miss Jane Austen upon the publication of P&P, post it on your blog, and leave us the link.  The catch?  You have to write in character as someone from P&P95.  Any character who has a speaking part in the film is eligible.  For instance, you could write a condescending letter from Lady Catherine de Bourgh, a bored Mom-is-making-me-do-this note from Lydia Bennet or a dry, witty missive from Mr. Bennet.  The sky's the limit! Well, actually, the characters of P&P95 are the limit.  But it's the same thing.

So go ahead and write your letters, but please keep them under 300 words.  The contest will close on Friday, January 25th and a winner will be announced on Saturday the 26th.

Happy scribbling!


  1. Here is the link to my letter:

    (Enjoy reading! And thanks for such a great contest - had lots of fun with this one!)

    Happy 200th Anniversary P&P!!

  2. Hi! I was surprised to see my entry for the last game won. Thankyou! Here is the link to my entry for the next game.

  3. A wonderfully fun contest m'dears! Here's my letter from Georgiana Darcy:

  4. Hi, My name is Katelyn. i found this through old-Fashioned Charm. This was quite fun! Here is a link to my letter:

  5. Thank you for your entries, everyone! This contest is now closed.


"I believe we must have some conversation, Mr. Darcy. A very little will suffice."
~Elizabeth Bennet, episode two

We must have YOUR share in the conversation! Do please leave us a comment, because we would simply love to hear from you. Comments are a happy thought indeed--we ask only that you keep your conversation civil, God-honoring and family-friendly.