
Monday, December 31, 2012

Game the Fourth: P&P Trivia Quiz {2}

Time for a new trivia quiz--this time focusing on Episode Two, which may very well be my favorite in the series (though Episode Four comes awfully close...).  Please comment with your answers until Friday, January 4th, when the game will close.  You may submit only one guess per question (though if you comment with guesses for only some of the questions, you may come back to complete the questions you didn't attempt before).  Clear as mud?  Excellent.  We shall proceed.

All the questions come from Episode Two (yes, thank you, Mary) and I have done my best to make them neither too hard nor too easy.  I will announce a winner on Saturday, a winner who will achieve fame and glory and all that nonsense, but no prize because we don't give prizes here at the Club.  We are either too poor to do so or we are cheapskates; you may take your pick and think what you like of us.  :D  Everything in order?  Good.  Then we shall proceed.  ("You said that before."  "Hush up, can't you?")

1. What is it that Mr. Darcy "does so secretly" when the party are assembled in the Netherfield drawing room?

2. Mr. Bennet announces that someone is coming to dinner at Longbourn-- it seems that everyone has a different guess as to who it might be.  Who does Lydia think it is?

3. Which Bennet sister gets the "privilege" of the first dance with Mr. Collins at the Netherfield ball? 

4. What game does Mrs. Phillips play with Mr. Collins and other unimportant people at her card-party?

5. Just how much did that chimney-piece at Rosings Park cost?

6. How old is Lydia at this point in the story?

7. What is Mr. Darcy's exact response to this speech of Elizabeth's?  "We each have an unsocial, taciturn disposition, unwilling to speak unless we expect to say something that will amaze the whole room."

8. What piece does Mrs. Hurst play on the pianoforte at the Netherfield ball?

9. Which unfortunate girl possesses the frock that Mr. Collins trod on and tore?

10. What are Mr. Collins' three reasons for marrying (list in order, please)?

Happy guessing!

Monday, December 24, 2012

No Game This Week

Due to Christmas busyness, there will be no game this Monday-- thanks for understanding and have a blessed Christmas!
-Miss Dashwood and Miss Marianne

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Caption Contest Winner

Congratulations to Anne-girl, winner of this week's caption contest!  Her caption may be seen below.  Check back for a new game on Monday!

Let the Discussion Begin!

Welcome to The P&P95Forever Club's first live chat! To get the ball rolling, we've come up with a few discussion questions and comments, which you may answer or comment on as you choose.

~In episode 1, when Lizzy walked to Netherfield in the mud, what did she do with her dirty shoes once she got there? This question came into my head from reading bits and pieces of No Dark Valley (by Jamie Langston Turner), a book my mom and sister like; the female main character was a P&P95 fan and that question always bothered her exceedingly. I just assume that it wore off after she'd been walking in the less-muddy grass nearer Netherfield... what do you think?

~Does Mary have something of a fancy for Mr. Collins in this movie? I don't remember this being implied in the book (although Mrs. Bennet did try to recommend Mary to him after being rejected by Elizabeth). What do you all think?

~"Your defect is a propensity to hate everyone!"
"___ yours is willfully to misunderstand them."
What word goes there? I used to think it was "and" though I believe now that it is not; however, I'm not sure whether it's "while" or "well". The subtitles on the remastered edition say "well", but they are often wrong. I think the closed captions on the older DVD said "while" and I might have seen it somewhere else, too.

~Speaking of the subtitles messing up, in the beginning of episode 4, Maria says (about Col. Fitzwilliam and Mr. Darcy) "And now they are both gone out of the country!" The subtitles said "And now they are both gone abroad!" Gone abroad?! They have gone nowhere of the sort. "Out of the country" did not mean out of England, it meant away from the countryside, or perhaps the county they were in. Are they trying to interpret things for us? If they are, they're not very knowledgeable. :P

What about you all? Did you notice anything interesting this time around? What is your favorite part? Least favorite? Did anybody watch it with you? Which character makes you laugh the most?

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

P&P Watch-Along Christmas Party

Dear Members of The P&P95Forever Club,

Merry Christmas! Or rather, Merry Christmas Break, for that is what leads Miss Dashwood and me to make this proposal. In a recent post, one of our members who calls herself BatZion left a delightful comment in which she made herself a mental note to take advantage of time off and watch the whole of P&P. Miss Dashwood said that was a good idea, and then I thought, well, why not all do it together? Eh, P&P fans? Do not you think we should all have a merry party where we watch the wonderful P&P95 and then discuss it?

A Frosty Longbourn. Quite festive, don't you think?
Here is the plan. The party will be December 21st and 22nd, and we suggest watching Episodes 1-3 (aka disc one, aka the first half) on Friday, and Episodes 4-6 on Saturday.

And then here is another thing we were pondering-- a live discussion in comments about the movie. What say? We were thinking, perhaps, sometime between 8-9 pm EST those of us who are able to could drop in and join in the chat. I've never seen an actual chat in blog comments done before, but I think it would work.  We will set comments to publish automatically during that hour only, so that conversation can flow smoothly. Would any of you be interested in that? Do let us know.

This will be an excellent opportunity for us all to refresh our knowledge of the movie, and also a lovely way to relax during Christmas break. We hope you'll join us!

As for myself, I have just got the Remastered Edition from the library, and am curious to know what it is like. My papa was rather curious as to why I would be so excited about getting a movie I'd already seen so many times, so I endeavored to explain it to him... and then declared that, as one of the founders of The P&P95Forever Club, I had a right to be excited. Then my mamma said I was talking too loud. (We were in the library, you know. :P)

Ha. That's your random story for the day. I shall not trouble you with my nonsensicalness any longer, and shall make my departure. Good day to you.

~Miss Marianne

Monday, December 17, 2012

Caption Contest the First

Miss Marianne and I are quite excited to introduce the first of what we hope will be many caption contests here at the Club!  Our first picture comes from Episode Four, when Maria Lucas is frantically trying to pack her nightgowns in a manner pleasing to Lady Catherine de Bourgh.  Your task?  It's quite simple: to create a funny caption that fits the picture and submit it in the comments below.  You have until Friday, December 21st to submit captions, at which time Miss Marianne and I will select a winner.  The winner will be announced on Saturday, December 22nd.  Please remember to keep all captions clean and family friendly! We reserve the right to delete any comment that we do not think meets those qualifications.

Happy captioning! 

P.S. Sorry this was put up so late today! In future, our Monday games will be posted in the morning as often as possible.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

P&P Trivia Quiz {1} - Answers!

Thanks to everybody who played this week's game! Here are the answers.

1. Who is the very first character to speak?
d. Mr. Bingley
"It's a fair prospect."

2. When is the first time Mr. Darcy asks Elizabeth to dance (in the movie, of course)?
a. The party at Lucas Lodge
Some people may consider this to be a matter of opinion, but I think technically Mr. Darcy did ask her, even if he was kind of pushed into it by Sir William. He said "I would be very happy if you would do me the honor of dancing with me, Miss Bennet," and I think he actually meant it at the time, even though Lizzy was convinced otherwise. If he really hadn't wanted to, I don't think anything could have made him ask her, even if he is polite.

3. How long is P&P?
c. 5 hours
Store this away in your memory, for it is something every P&P95 fan should know. You will know more than people who think they know what they're talking about, too, and say it's six hours... we've all heard it. Well, it's not. To read more about that and other things every P&P95 fan should know, click here.

4. How many episodes are there in P&P?
d. 6
This is probably why people think it's six hours. One person mentioned that on their DVD it isn't divided up into episodes... and it's not, the way miniseries normally do, but it sort of pauses at the end of each episode. And I've also seen the video sets with six videos... ha, those make it look even longer than it is. It's amusing when I just see one or two random ones at thrift stores... 
Um, sorry for rambling.

5. Is Elizabeth dancing in the first scene during the ball at Meryton?
Yes. With some random guy who has funny teeth.
Can you find her? ;)
6. In the movie Elizabeth says “I am determined that nothing but the very deepest love will induce me into matrimony.” Is this quote in the book?
No. A couple people said there is a quote similar to this, but I've been searching with no success... care to enlighten me? In any case, if something like that is in there it's probably not quite similar enough and it's not in the same place, either. 

7. In the book, when Mrs. Bennet reproaches Kitty for coughing (“Don't keep coughing so, Kitty, for heaven's sake! Have a little compassion on my nerves. You tear them to pieces.”), Kitty responds “I do not cough for my own amusement!” Is Kitty’s quote included in the movie or not?
Yes. She says it, but it's almost covered up by Lydia saying "He has thirty servants--forty servants--and he's very handsome and wears a blue coat." 
In the book, before Kitty's line, Mr. Bennet says "Kitty has no discretion in her coughs. She times them ill." Heehee. 

8. How many inches deep in mud did one of Mr. Bingley’s sisters declare Elizabeth’s petticoat to be when she arrived at Netherfield?
Six. "I hope you saw her petticoat, brother. Six inches deep in mud, I am absolutely certain." "I must confess it quite escaped my notice."

9. And from the previous question, which sister was it who made the remark about the mud?
Mrs. Louisa Hurst.

10. What is the very first line Elizabeth utters?
"Coming, Mamma."
Mrs. Bennet: Oh, what is to become of us all? Jane! Lizzy! Where are you?
Jane: Here, Mamma.
Lizzy: Coming, Mamma...

11. “Well, my dear, if Jane should die of this fever, it will be comfort to know it was all in pursuit of Mr. Bingley, and under your orders.” –Mr. Bennet
What was Mrs. Bennet’s exact response? (No cheating, now! Play from memory here! ;) )
"Oh, nonsense! People do not die of little trifling colds!"

Multiple Points Question

12. Where does each episode end? As in, what is the last scene of each episode?

Episode 1: Jane and Lizzy have just left Netherfield. "Oh, Jane. I'm sorry to say it, but notwithstanding your excellent Mr. Bingley, I've never been so happy to leave a place in my life!"

Episode 2: Mr. Collins has just departed from Longbourn, and Mrs. Bennet stands weeping at the doorway. "Oh, Mr. COLLINS!"

Episode 3: Mr. Darcy has just left the room in which his proposal of marriage was refused, and Lizzy is looking... disturbed. 

Episode 4: Lizzy looks back at Mr. Darcy while she's driving away from Pemberley with her aunt and uncle, after their surprising encounter there.

Episode 5: Lizzy has just been telling Jane how she cannot bear to think of Mr. Darcy alive in the world... and thinking ill of her.

Episode 6: The wedding. *happy sigh*

Now for scores.

Miss Dashwood - 16
Caroline L. - 15
The Elf - 13
Anne-girl - 12
BatZion - 12
Kiri Liz - 11
Katy-Anne - 10
Jane - 10
Miss Laurie - 9
Dee - 9
Margaret Hale - 8
Livia Rachelle - 4

Monday, December 10, 2012

Game the Second: P&P Trivia Quiz {1}

This week is brought to you a trivia quiz to test and exercise your knowledge of P&P95, focusing on but not limited to Episode 1. (And though that sounds dull and scholarly, I do hope it will be fun as well. Heehee.)

As this blog abounds in information about P&P95, I must remind you to be Good Girls and play completely from memory even though it might be too easy to spot some of the answers in places. ;) That being so, it would be best to take the quiz all at once, but if there’s one question that’s really bugging you and you know you might remember it later, without any help, (this happens to me a lot) feel free to skip it and answer it later. But each question may only be answered once for this game.

A total of 17 points can be obtained. I will be checking your answers, commenting with your scores and noting any you didn't answer & might wish to come back to. The answers will be accepted through Friday, December 14th and the following day the answers and player scores will be posted.

Multiple Choice

1. Who is the very first character to speak?
a. Elizabeth Bennet
b. Mr. Darcy
c. Mrs. Bennet
d. Mr. Bingley

2. When is the first time Mr. Darcy asks Elizabeth to dance (in the movie, of course)?
a. The party at Lucas Lodge
b. The Meryton Assembly
c. The Netherfield ball
d. One of the evenings at Netherfield while Jane is ill

3. How long is P&P?
a. 2 ½ hours
b. 4 hours
c. 5 hours
d. 6 hours

4. How many episodes are there in P&P?
a. 2
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6

Yes or No

5. Is Elizabeth dancing in the first scene during the ball at Meryton?

6. In the movie Elizabeth says “I am determined that nothing but the very deepest love will induce me into matrimony.” Is this quote in the book? (Now, I know it’s a bit tricky to be asking a question connected with the book, but most P&P95 fans have a knowledge of it, and I happen to like in-the-book-not-in-the-book trivia. If I am a wild Beast, I cannot help it. It is not my own fault.)

7. In the book, when Mrs. Bennet reproaches Kitty for coughing (“Don't keep coughing so, Kitty, for heaven's sake! Have a little compassion on my nerves. You tear them to pieces.”), Kitty responds “I do not cough for my own amusement!” Is Kitty’s quote included in the movie or not?


8. How many inches deep in mud did one of Mr. Bingley’s sisters declare Elizabeth’s petticoat to be when she arrived at Netherfield?

9. And from the previous question, which sister was it who made the remark about the mud?

10. What is the very first line Elizabeth utters?

11. “Well, my dear, if Jane should die of this fever, it will be comfort to know it was all in pursuit of Mr. Bingley, and under your orders.” –Mr. Bennet
What was Mrs. Bennet’s exact response? (No cheating, now! Play from memory here! ;) )

Multiple Points Question

12. Where does each episode end? As in, what is the last scene of each episode? (If I was asking this question for the 2009 Emma, for example, I would say that Episode 1 ended right after Emma and Mr. Knightley’s argument about Harriet and Mr. Martin.) 1 point will be awarded for each correctly guessed episode ending.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Fine Eyes Game - Answers!

Time at last for the answers to our very first game here at the Club!  I do apologize for making it so very difficult-- I chose some of the more obscure characters because I didn't want it to be too easy, but I think I overdid it.  :P  So, I'm very sorry about that!

1. Lydia Bennet

 2. Mrs. Gardiner

3. Mr. Gardiner

4. Hill, the housekeeper

5. Mary Bennet

6. Georgiana Darcy

7. Hannah, the serving maid at Lambton Inn

8. Sarah, the Bennets' maid

9. Mr. Darcy

10. Mr. Wickham

And our winner is...
Dee, with 10 points! Congratulations!

Thank you to all the other participants!

Melody - 8
Livia Rachelle - 6
BatZion - 6
Miss Laurie - 5
Emily - 5
Katy-Anne - 4
Miss Melody Muffin - 4
Anne-girl - 3
P&P95 Fan - 3

Friday, December 7, 2012

Video: Jennifer Ehle wins the BAFTA award

Have all of you seen this video? It's Jennifer Ehle (Lizzy, you know) winning the BAFTA award in 1996 for her performance in P&P.  I think it's quite fun to watch, as long as seeing Jennifer Ehle with blonde hair won't spoil your image of Elizabeth. ;-)

I start watching from 1:28 to 1:45 which is where they show a clip of P&P, then skip to 2:36 for the announcement of the award. I can't vouch for the other stuff in the video because I haven't seen it.

I love how they play part of the soundtrack as she goes up to accept it and then when she leaves the stage... and I was quite pleased to learn that she first read the novel when she was twelve. Yay, Jennifer Ehle!

The video always puts me in mind of Emma Thompson's acceptance speech at the Golden Globes for the screenplay of Sense and Sensibility; if you haven't seen that, you might like to it too. (Supposing you've already seen S&S95, that is.) They played a clip of "Throw the Coins" from the soundtrack in that one.

Oh, and just to make you laugh: if you haven't seen it, here are some bloopers for P&P. I love the one at the end. ;-)

Monday, December 3, 2012

Game the First: Fine Eyes

Miss Bingley: I believe I can guess your thoughts at this moment.
Mr. Darcy: I should imagine not.
Miss Bingley: You are thinking how insupportable it would be to spend many evenings in such tedious 
Mr. Darcy: No, indeed, my mind was more agreeably engaged. I have been meditating on the very great 
pleasure which a pair of fine eyes in the face of a pretty woman can bestow.
Miss Bingley: And may one dare ask whose the eyes that inspired these reflections?
Mr. Darcy: Miss Elizabeth Bennet's.
Miss Bingley: Miss Elizabeth Bennet? ...I am all astonishment!
~Episode Two

This game, inspired by one that Miss Laurie of Old-Fashioned Charm hosted a while back, will test your expertise in the area of eyes.  Below, you will find ten screencaps from the film... and they're all eyes.  Your job is to identify the P&P95 character possessing each pair of eyes.  Leave your answers in a comment--whoever gives the most correct answers will be declared the winner!  The game will last until Friday, December 7th.  Winners will be announced Saturday, December 8th.

(My apologies for the low quality of some of the pictures--I was cropping tiny bits and blowing them up much larger!)











Happy guessing!  We intend to post a new game each Monday, so don't forget to come back again! :D

Friday, November 30, 2012

Welcome to the Club

Are you a fan of Jane Austen and the real version the 1995 adaptation of Pride and Prejudice? Feel free to let out a whoop and a holler, because you've just found your way to a website that's meant to be a sort of paradise for any P&P95 Devotee. Here you will find a gathering of other people just like you, who believe that the 1995 version is the one and only real representation of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice (and that there's way more to it than Colin Firth in a wet shirt), and you can feel free to be as opinionated and biased as you want to, because you'll be in good company. (If you're a fan of fakeP&P the 2005 version, we really don't want to offend you or anything... so we simply suggest that this isn't the best place to stick around unless you're looking for some place to pick a debate, but if you do, beware. This Club is P&P95 ground, and when on it, we are ruthless.)

Though we have but just begun, we are ambitious creatures and have a lot in store for you in the very near future: you will discover lots of fun posts to interest fanatics everywhere, from spotlights on characters and different aspects of the miniseries, to fan discussion topics, to a weekly amusement such as games, throwdowns, and contests. We do hope you'll stick around, participate, and leave lots of comments. Because we LOVE comments--and they're enabled on the pages, just so you know... not that that's a hint or anything.  (Hint? Why should we hint at you, child? What a notion!)

One intention of The P&P95Forever Club is to provide information about P&P95 in one place, organized and easy to find--including (but not stopping at!) such things as a list of other period dramas all the actors have been in, accurate and extensive quotes, and screencaps. "But wait, there's more!" You'll also find a collection of other things for the diversion of a P&P fan, such as directions to other web pages you might enjoy, trivia, and a P&P Character Quiz. Call today to find out about the limited-time offer of free shipping and handling.*

Does all this sound like your cup of tea? (And when you read "cup of tea," you are all thinking of this, yes?) We should be overjoyed and honored if you considered actually becoming a member! Please visit our members page to learn more about joining the club.

With great anticipation and many well-wishes,
We remain,
Respectfully yours,
The Misses Dashwood; authors & founders of The P&P95Forever Club

*This is Miss Marianne's idea of a joke.  There will be no shipping and handling because we don't intend to sell you anything.
--The Sensible Elder Miss Dashwood