
Monday, December 17, 2012

Caption Contest the First

Miss Marianne and I are quite excited to introduce the first of what we hope will be many caption contests here at the Club!  Our first picture comes from Episode Four, when Maria Lucas is frantically trying to pack her nightgowns in a manner pleasing to Lady Catherine de Bourgh.  Your task?  It's quite simple: to create a funny caption that fits the picture and submit it in the comments below.  You have until Friday, December 21st to submit captions, at which time Miss Marianne and I will select a winner.  The winner will be announced on Saturday, December 22nd.  Please remember to keep all captions clean and family friendly! We reserve the right to delete any comment that we do not think meets those qualifications.

Happy captioning! 

P.S. Sorry this was put up so late today! In future, our Monday games will be posted in the morning as often as possible.


  1. Maria, did you know there's a spider crawling up your back?

  2. Admit it, Mariah. You're in love with Denny. I saw the way you looked at him in Meryton.

  3. Lizzy: Round and round the garden like a teddy bear!

    Maria: Maybe if I hold very still she will go away
    Lizzy: let's play Robot! When I press this button you do the laundry!

  4. Elizabeth: Maria, I think you should know that Mr. Collins spilled grape juice on the back of your dress.

  5. Elizabeth: Maria, is that your BLANKIE in there? I didn't know you still slept with that!

  6. Edit: I was just looking over the other captions and realized that I spelled Maria Mariah. Please overlook the typo and take my word for it that I do know that her name is Maria. :)

  7. Shelves in your suitcase! Happy thought indeed... was it Lady Catherine or Mr. Collin's idea?

    - The Elf

  8. Maria... Are you aware that Lady Catherine is just in the other room?


"I believe we must have some conversation, Mr. Darcy. A very little will suffice."
~Elizabeth Bennet, episode two

We must have YOUR share in the conversation! Do please leave us a comment, because we would simply love to hear from you. Comments are a happy thought indeed--we ask only that you keep your conversation civil, God-honoring and family-friendly.