
Saturday, June 22, 2019

The Changing of the Guard

Once upon a time, on a dark, insomnia-inducing night rather like this one, a young lady followed her first blog. That blog happened to be the P&P95 Forever Club. Later that night (technically the next morning), that same young lady started her own blog. To paraphrase Jane Austen, no one who had ever seen that young lady in her blogging infancy would have supposed that she would end up here.

Hello-- my name is Miss Elizabeth, lately of Modern Miss Bennet, and I am that young lady. And here refers to the fact that I am now the Blog Author (or authoress, to be entirely correct) and your Club Manager. Fear not: Melody and Amy are still the founders and administrators, and I doubt we've seen the last of them. But you'll be hearing from me a bit more often from now on. I shall endeavor to keep this blog running much as it has, in the grand P&P95 tradition, and to build on what came before me. Anything else would be unfair to the club, I think.

I won't lie, though-- I feel a bit as though I've just been informed that I am hosting a ball at which I know none of the guests. Were I more like Mrs. Bennet, I would sag against the wall and weep about my nerves. But because I am not Mrs. Bennet, and would rather like to get to know all of you better, I am going to stand here at the imaginary doors of the blog and greet you. That's what the comment section is for-- and if you'd like to find out more about this impertinent young lady who's taken over your favorite blog, you can read all about me here.

Until next time, then, I remain
Yours very sincerely,
Miss Elizabeth

P.S. A few housekeeping details: over the next few weeks, I'll be dusting off the rest of the blog. I've already begun to do so (you may have noticed some changes in the sidebar), but I would very much appreciate a bit of your help. Part of this dusting off involves checking all the links found on this site, so if you find a link that doesn't work during your perusal, let me know so I can Get Right On It. Please and thank you :)
Yours, etc.
Miss E