
Friday, November 30, 2012

Welcome to the Club

Are you a fan of Jane Austen and the real version the 1995 adaptation of Pride and Prejudice? Feel free to let out a whoop and a holler, because you've just found your way to a website that's meant to be a sort of paradise for any P&P95 Devotee. Here you will find a gathering of other people just like you, who believe that the 1995 version is the one and only real representation of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice (and that there's way more to it than Colin Firth in a wet shirt), and you can feel free to be as opinionated and biased as you want to, because you'll be in good company. (If you're a fan of fakeP&P the 2005 version, we really don't want to offend you or anything... so we simply suggest that this isn't the best place to stick around unless you're looking for some place to pick a debate, but if you do, beware. This Club is P&P95 ground, and when on it, we are ruthless.)

Though we have but just begun, we are ambitious creatures and have a lot in store for you in the very near future: you will discover lots of fun posts to interest fanatics everywhere, from spotlights on characters and different aspects of the miniseries, to fan discussion topics, to a weekly amusement such as games, throwdowns, and contests. We do hope you'll stick around, participate, and leave lots of comments. Because we LOVE comments--and they're enabled on the pages, just so you know... not that that's a hint or anything.  (Hint? Why should we hint at you, child? What a notion!)

One intention of The P&P95Forever Club is to provide information about P&P95 in one place, organized and easy to find--including (but not stopping at!) such things as a list of other period dramas all the actors have been in, accurate and extensive quotes, and screencaps. "But wait, there's more!" You'll also find a collection of other things for the diversion of a P&P fan, such as directions to other web pages you might enjoy, trivia, and a P&P Character Quiz. Call today to find out about the limited-time offer of free shipping and handling.*

Does all this sound like your cup of tea? (And when you read "cup of tea," you are all thinking of this, yes?) We should be overjoyed and honored if you considered actually becoming a member! Please visit our members page to learn more about joining the club.

With great anticipation and many well-wishes,
We remain,
Respectfully yours,
The Misses Dashwood; authors & founders of The P&P95Forever Club

*This is Miss Marianne's idea of a joke.  There will be no shipping and handling because we don't intend to sell you anything.
--The Sensible Elder Miss Dashwood

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Memorable Quotes from Episode Six

I'm heartily ashamed of myself, Lizzy. But don't despair, it will pass... and no doubt more quickly than it should.
~Mr. Bennet

Mrs. Bennet: Oh, but if they are to leave Brighton, they should come to Hertfordshire and reside in the neighborhood. Haye Park might do, if the Goldings would quit it. Or the great house at Stoke, if the drawing-rooms were larger.
Kitty: Or Purvis Lodge!
Mrs. Bennet: Oh, no dear, not Purvis Lodge! The attics there are dreadful!
Mr. Bennet: Mrs. Bennet, before you take any, or all of these houses, let us come to a right understanding. Into one house in the neighborhood they shall never have admittance. Mr. and Mrs. Wickham will never be welcome to Longbourn.

Lydia: How do you like my husband, Lizzy? I believe you envy me. Was he not a favorite of yours once?
Elizabeth: Not at all, I assure you.
Lydia: A pity we didn't all go to Brighton. I could have got husbands for all my sisters!
Elizabeth: Thank you for my share of the favor, but I don't particularly like your way of getting husbands.

Oh, come, Mr. Wickham, we are brother and sister, you know. Let us not quarrel about the past.

He's as fine a fellow as ever I saw! He simpers and smirks, and makes love to us all. Oh, I am prodigiously proud of him. I defy even Sir William Lucas himself to produce such a son-in-law.
~Mr. Bennet

Jane: No, I do assure you, this news does not affect me, truly, Lizzy.  I am glad of one thing--that he doesn't bring any ladies. If it is merely a shooting party, we shall not see him often. Not that I am afraid of myself... but I dread other people's remarks, Lizzy.
Elizabeth: Then I shall venture none...however sorely I am tempted. After all, it is hard that the poor man can't come to a house he's legally rented without raising all this speculation.
Jane: That is just what I think.
Elizabeth: Then we shall leave him to himself.
Jane: Yes.
(Elizabeth stands there looking amused)
Jane: Stop it, Lizzy.

Mrs. Bennet: Three days he has been in the neighborhood, and still he shuns us! I say it's all your father's fault! He would not do his duty and call, so you shall die old maids, and we shall be turned out by the Collinses to starve in the hedgerows!
Mr. Bennet: You promised last year that if I went to see him, he'd marry one of my daughters, and it all it all came to nothing, and I won't be sent on a fool's errand again!

Mr. Bingley: You tell me now that she was in London all those months? And you concealed it from me?
Mr. Darcy: Yes. I can offer no justification. It was an arrogant presumption, based on a failure to recognize your true feelings...and Miss Bennet's. I should never have interfered. It was very wrong of me, Bingley, and I apologize.
Mr. Bingley: You admit that you were in the wrong?
Mr. Darcy: Utterly and completely.
Mr. Bingley: Then...I have your blessing?
Mr. Darcy: Do you need my blessing?
Mr. Bingley: No....but I should like to know I have it all the same.
Mr. Darcy: Then go to it.
Bingley: (To a servant) Bring me my horse at once.  Quick, man!

Kitty: What's the matter, Mamma? Why do you keep winking at me? What am I to do?
Mrs. Bennet: Wink at you? Why should I wink at you, child? What a notion! Why should I be winking at my own daughter, pray? But now you ask, it puts me in mind. I do have something I would speak to you about.

Mr. Bennet: Jane, congratulations. You will be a very happy woman.
Jane: Thank you, father. I believe I shall.
Mr. Bennet: Well, well, you're a good girl. And I've no doubt you'll do very well together. You're each of you so complying that nothing will ever be resolved on...
Jane: Papa!
Mr. Bennet: So easy that every servant will cheat you...
Jane: No, indeed!
Mr. Bennet: And so generous that you will exceed your income.
Mrs. Bennet: Exceed their income! What are you talking about? Don't you know that he has 5,000 a year?!

Jane: Oh, Lizzy. If only I could see you as happy. If there were only such another man for you.
Elizabeth: If you were to give me forty such men...I could never be as happy as you. Till I have your goodness, I can never have your happiness. But...perhaps if I have very good luck, I may in time meet with another Mr. Collins!

Lady Catherine: You have a very small park here. And this must be a most inconvenient sitting-room for the evening in summer. Why, the windows are full west.
Mrs. Bennet: Indeed they are, your ladyship, but we never sit in here after dinner. We have...
Lady Catherine: Miss Bennet. There seemed to be a prettyish kind of little wilderness on one side of your lawn. I should be glad to take a turn in it...if you would favor me with your company.

Lady Catherine: You can be at no loss to understand the reason for my journey, Miss Bennet.
Elizabeth: Indeed, you are mistaken, madam. I am quite unable to account for the honor of seeing you here.
Lady Catherine: Miss Bennet, you ought to know I am not to be trifled with. But however insincere you choose to be, you shall not find me so.  A report of an alarming nature reached me two days ago. I was told, not only that your sister was to be most advantageously married, but that you, Miss Elizabeth Bennet, would be soon afterwards united to my own nephew Mr Darcy! Though I know it must be a scandalous falsehood,  I instantly resolved on setting off for this place, to make my sentiments known to you.
Elizabeth: If you believed it to be impossible, I wonder you took the trouble of coming so far.  What would your ladyship propose by it?
Lady Catherine: At once to insist upon having such a report universally contradicted!
Elizabeth: Your coming to Longbourn to see me will be taken as a confirmation of it, if indeed such a report exists.
Lady Catherine: This is not to be borne!

Lady Catherine: Obstinate, headstrong girl! I'm ashamed of you. I have not been in the habit of brooking disappointment!
Elizabeth: That will make your ladyship's situation at present more pitiable, but it will have no effect on me.
Lady Catherine: I will not be interrupted! If you were sensible of your own good, you would not wish to quit the sphere in which you have been brought up.
Elizabeth: Lady Catherine, in marrying your nephew I should not consider myself as quitting that sphere.  He is a gentleman, I am a gentleman's daughter. So far we are equal.

Are the shades of Pemberley to be thus polluted?
~Lady Catherine

Lady Catherine: You, you have no regard then, for the honor and credit of my nephew? Unfeeling, selfish girl! You refuse to oblige me. You refuse the claims of duty, honor, gratitude.  You are determined to ruin him, and make him the contempt of the world!
Elizabeth: I am only resolved to act in a manner which will constitute my own happiness, without reference to you, or to any person so wholly unconnected with me.
Lady Catherine: And this is your final resolve? Very well, I shall know how to act.  --I take no leave of you, Miss Bennet. I send no compliments to your mother. You deserve no such attention.  I am most seriously displeased.

Mr. Bennet: Mr Darcy, you see, is the man. Mr Darcy of all men!  Who never looks at a woman except to see a blemish! Are you not diverted?
Elizabeth: Oh, yes.
Mr. Bennet: Mr Darcy, who probably never looked at you in his life before! This is admirable! But Lizzy, you look as if you didn't enjoy it. You're not going to be missish now, and pretend to be affronted by an idle report?
Elizabeth: Oh, no, no, I am excessively diverted. But it is all so strange.

Well, well, what do we live for, but to make sport for our neighbors, and laugh at them in our turn?
~Mr. Bennet

Elizabeth: Mr Darcy. I can go no longer without thanking you for your kindness to my poor sister. Ever since I have known of it, I've been most anxious to tell you how grateful I am, for my family and for myself. You must not blame my aunt for telling me. Lydia betrayed it first, and then I couldn't rest till I knew everything. I know what trouble and what mortification it must have cost you.  Please let me say this, please allow me to thank you, on behalf of all my family, since they don't know to whom they are indebted.
Mr. Darcy: If you will thank me, let it be for yourself alone. Your family owes me nothing. As much as I respect them, I believe I thought only of you. (Pause) You're too generous to trifle with me. If your feelings are what they were last April, tell me so at once. (Pause) My affections and wishes are unchanged. But one word from you will silence me on this subject forever.
Elizabeth: Oh, my feelings... My feelings are... I am ashamed to remember what I said then. My feelings are so different. In fact, they are quite the opposite.

No, I have been a selfish being all my life. As a child I was given good principles, but was left to follow them in pride and conceit.  And such I might still have been, but for you. Dearest, loveliest Elizabeth!
~Mr. Darcy

Jane: Engaged to Mr Darcy! No, you are joking. It is impossible!
Elizabeth: This is a wretched beginning! If you don't believe me, I'm sure no one else will.  Indeed, I am in earnest. He still loves me, and we are engaged.
Jane: No, Lizzy, it can't be true. I know how much you dislike him!
Elizabeth: Oh, no. It is all forgotten! Perhaps I didn't always love him as well as I do now.  But.. in such cases as these a good memory is unpardonable.
Jane:  Dearest Lizzy, do be serious. How long have you loved him?
Elizabeth: Well, it's been coming on so gradually, I hardly know. But I believe I must date it from my first seeing his beautiful grounds at Pemberley!

Mr. Bennet: Are you out of your senses to be accepting this man, Lizzy? Have you not always hated him?
Elizabeth: Papa...
Mr. Bennet: I've given him my consent. He's the kind of man, indeed, to whom I should never dare refuse anything. But let me advise you to think the better of it. I know your disposition, Lizzy.  My child, let me not have the grief of seeing you unable to respect your partner in life. He's rich, but will he make you happy?
Elizabeth: Have you objections apart from your belief in my indifference?
Mr. Bennet: None whatever. We all know him to be a proud, unpleasant sort of man, but this would be nothing if you really liked him.

Mrs. Bennet: Three daughters married! Oh, Mr Bennet, God has been very good to us!
Mr. Bennet: Yes, so it would seem.

Memorable Quotes from Episode Five

These quotes have been scrupulously collected and checked, but please do let us know if you see any mistakes.

Georgiana: Will you not play again? You played that song so beautifully.
Elizabeth: Not very beautifully, not faithfully at all.  You must have seen how I fudged and slurred my way through the difficult passages.  It is a beautiful instrument, though.
Georgiana: My brother gave it to me.  He is so good. I don't deserve it.
Elizabeth: Oh, I am sure you do. Your brother thinks you do, and as you know, he is never wrong.

Caroline Bingley: Pray, Miss Eliza, are the Militia still quartered at Meryton?
Elizabeth: No, they are encamped at Brighton for the summer.
Miss Bingley: That must be a great loss for your family.
Elizabeth: We're enduring it as best we can, Miss Bingley.
Miss Bingley: I should have thought one gentleman's absence might have caused particular pangs.
Elizabeth: I can't imagine who you mean.
Miss Bingley: I understood that certain ladies found the society of Mr Wickham curiously agreeable.

Miss Bingley: How very ill Eliza Bennet looked this evening! I've never in my life seen anyone so much altered as she is since the winter.
Louisa Hurst: Quite so, my dear.
Miss Bingley: She is grown so brown and coarse.  Louisa and I were agreeing that we should hardly know her. What do you say, Mr Darcy?
Mr. Darcy: I noticed no great difference. She is, I suppose, a little tanned. Hardly surprising when one travels in the summer.
Miss Bingley:  Mmm...for my part, I must confess, I never saw any beauty in her face. Her features are not at all handsome. Her complexion has no brilliancy. Oh, her teeth are tolerable, I suppose, but...nothing out of the common way. (Chuckles) And as for her eyes, which I have sometimes heard called fine,  I could never perceive anything extraordinary in them. And in her air altogether there's a self-sufficiency without fashion, which I find intolerable.
Mr. Bingley: I think--
Miss Bingley: I remember when we first knew her in Hertfordshire, how amazed we all were to find her a reputed beauty! I particularly recall you, Mr Darcy, one night after they'd been dining at Netherfield, saying: "She a beauty? I should as soon call her mother a wit!" Oh! But afterwards she seemed to improve on you. I even believe you thought her rather pretty at one time.
Mr. Darcy: Yes, I did. That was only when I first knew her.  For it has been many months since I have considered her one of the handsomest women of my acquaintance.

Miss Bingley: You are very quiet this evening, Mr Darcy. I sincerely hope you are not pining for the loss of Miss Eliza Bennet.
Mr. Darcy: What?!

Mrs. Bennet: And now here is Mr Bennet gone away.  And I know he will fight Wickham, and then he will be killed, and then what is to become of us all?  Those Collinses will turn us out before he is cold in his grave! And if you are not kind to us, brother, I don't know what we shall do!
Mr. Gardiner: Sister, calm down. Nothing dreadful will happen. I shall be in London tomorrow morning, and then we will consult as to what is best to be done.
Mrs. Bennet: Yes, yes, that is it! You must find them out, and if they be not married, you must make them marry. But above all, keep Mr Bennet from fighting!
Jane: Mamma, I am sure he does not mean to fight.
Mrs. Bennet: Oh yes, yes he does! And, and Wickham will kill him for sure, unless you can prevent it, brother!  You must tell him what a dreadful state I'm in! How I have such tremblings and flutterings all over me. Such spasms in my side and pains in my head and beatings at my heart, that I can get no rest either night or day!
Mr. Gardiner: Sister, calm yourself!

Mary: This is the most unfortunate affair, and will probably be much talked of.
Elizabeth: Yes, thank you, Mary. I think we have all apprehended that much.
Mary: We must stem the tide of malice, and pour into each other's wounded bosoms the balm of sisterly consolation.

Mary: Unhappy as the event must be for Lydia,  we must draw from it this useful lesson: that loss of virtue in a female is irretrievable.
Mrs. Gardiner: My dear Mary, this is hardly helpful.
Mary: For a woman's reputation is no less brittle than it is beautiful. Therefore we cannot be too guarded in our behavior towards the undeserving of the other sex.
Elizabeth: Yes... thank you, Mary.

Jane: Lizzy, I feel I am to blame. For it was I who urged you not to make Wickham's bad conduct known, and now poor Lydia is suffering for it.  No one else suspected him for a moment. I am, I am to blame!
Elizabeth: You are not to blame. No more than I, or Mr Darcy or anyone else deceived by Wickham. You have nothing to blame yourself for. Others are culpable, not you.

Jane: I've been thinking about what you said this afternoon. That it is not only Lydia's reputation that has been ruined.
Elizabeth: I was angry and upset. I should not have said it. It does no good to dwell on it.
Jane: You meant, I suppose, that you and I, and Mary and Kitty, have been tainted by association. That our chances of making a good marriage have been materially damaged by Lydia's disgrace.
Elizabeth: The chances of any of us making a good marriage were never very great; and now I should say, they are nonexistent. No one will solicit our society after this. Mr Darcy made that very clear to me.
Jane: Mr Darcy? Does he know our troubles?
Elizabeth: He happened upon me a moment after I first read your letter. He was very kind, very gentlemanlike... but he made it very clear he wanted nothing more than to be out of my sight. He will not be renewing his addresses to me. He'll make very sure his friend doesn't renew his to you.
Jane: I never expected Mr Bingley would renew his addresses, Lizzy. I am quite reconciled to that. And surely you do not desire Mr Darcy's attentions, do you?
Elizabeth: No, no. I never sought them.
Jane: But you do think he was intending to renew them? You think he is still in love with you?
Elizabeth: I don't know. I don't know what he was two days ago. All I know is that now he, or any other respectable man, will want nothing to do with any of us.

Mr. Collins: The death of your sister would have been a blessing in comparison. And it is more to be lamented, because there is reason to suppose, my dear Charlotte informs me, that this licentiousness of behavior in your sister has proceeded from a faulty degree of indulgence, though I am inclined to think that her disposition must be naturally bad. Now, howsoever that may be, you are grievously to be pitied.
Jane: We are very grateful, sir, for your...
Mr. Collins:  In which opinion I am joined by Lady Catherine de Bourgh and her daughter, to whom I have related the affair in full. They agree with me in apprehending that this false step in one sister must be injurious to the fortunes of all the others. "For who," as Lady Catherine herself condescendingly says, "will connect themselves with such a family?"
Elizabeth: Who, indeed, sir.  Now, perhaps, in view of that consideration, you may feel that it would be unwise to stay any longer now.
Mr. Collins: Well, well, perhaps you are right Yes, perhaps you are right, cousin Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: I always feel that a clergyman cannot be too careful. Especially one so fortunate as to enjoy the condescension and patronage of Lady Catherine de Bourgh.
Mr. Collins: Your thoughtfulness does you credit, cousin Elizabeth. I am very, very sorry for you all!

Elizabeth: Insufferable man!
Jane: I suppose he means well.
Elizabeth: Then you suppose wrongly, Jane. His purpose in coming was to enjoy our misfortunes and congratulate himself on his own happy situation!
Mary: I think it kind of him to visit and condole with us.
Kitty: (Peeking around the corner) Is he gone?
Elizabeth: Yes!
Kitty: (Sighs) Good.
Elizabeth: Forever, with any luck.

Jane: I must take mamma her tea.
Mr. Bennet: She still keeps her state above stairs, does she?  Good. It lends such an elegance to our misfortune. Another time I'll do the same.  I'll sit in my library, in my nightcap and powdering gown, and I'll give as much trouble as I can. Perhaps I may defer it, till Kitty runs away.
Kitty: I'm not going to run away, Papa. If I should go to Brighton, I would behave better than Lydia.
Mr. Bennet: You? Go to Brighton? I wouldn't trust you as near it as Eastbourne. Not for fifty pounds. No, Kitty, I have at last learnt to be cautious, and you will feel the effects of it. No officer is ever to enter my house again. Or even to pass through the village! Balls will be absolutely prohibited, unless you stand up with one of your sisters! And you are never to stir out of doors until you can prove you have spent ten minutes of every day in a rational manner.
(Kitty weeps)
Mr. Bennet: Well, well, well, don't make yourself unhappy, my dear. If you're a good girl for the next ten years, I'll take you to a revue at the end of them.

Elizabeth: How can it be possible he will marry her for so little?
Jane: He must not be undeserving as we thought. He must truly be in love with her, I think.
Mr. Bennet: You think that, Jane, if it gives you comfort.

Elizabeth: I wish I had never spoken a word of this whole affair to Mr Darcy.
Jane: Dear Lizzy, please do not distress yourself. I'm sure Mr Darcy will respect your confidence.
Elizabeth: I'm sure he will. That is not what distresses me.
Jane: What, then?
Elizabeth: I don't know! How he must be congratulating himself on his escape! How he must despise me now.
Jane: But Lizzy, you never sought his love. Nor welcomed it when he offered it. If he has withdrawn his high opinion of you, why should you care?
Elizabeth: I don't know! I can't explain it. I know I shall probably never see him again. I cannot bear to think that he is alive in the world... and thinking ill of me.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Memorable Quotes from Episode Four

Be not alarmed, madam, on receiving this letter, that it contains any repetition of those sentiments or renewal of those offers which were this evening so disgusting to you. But I must be allowed to defend myself against the charges laid at my door. 
~Mr. Darcy 

Mr. Collins: And this is your last invitation, on this visit, at least. 
Elizabeth: It is truly a very cruel deprivation. I hardly know how I shall bear the loss of her ladyship's company.
Mr. Collins: You feel it keenly! Yes, of course you do, my poor young cousin.

Yes, yes, but this is all extremely vexing.  I am QUITE put out!
~Lady Catherine

Mr Collins: Indeed. And now you have witnessed our felicity, perhaps you may think that your friend has 
made a very fortunate alliance. Perhaps more so than ... but on this point it will be as well 
to be silent.
Elizabeth: You are very good.
Mr Collins: Only let me assure you that I can, from my heart, most cordially wish you equal felicity in 
marriage. My dear Charlotte and I have but one mind and one way of thinking. We seem to 
have been designed for each other!

Maria Lucas: Oh, how much I shall have to tell!
Elizabeth: How much I shall have to conceal.

Lydia: There! Is not this nice? Cold ham, and pork, and salads, and every good thing! And we mean to treat you all.  Oh, but you must lend us the money, we spent all ours. Look! (she holds up a bonnet) I don't think it is very pretty, but I thought I might as well buy it as not.
Kitty: It's vile, isn't it, Lizzy?
Elizabeth: Very ugly. What possessed you to buy it, Lydia?
Lydia: Oh, there were two or three much uglier in the shop. I shall pull it to pieces when I get home and see if I can make it up any better.

I shouldn't think he cared three straws about her. Who could about such a nasty freckled little thing?

Lydia: Kitty, you're squashing my bandbox!
Kitty: You should have put it on the roof, there isn't ROOM for it!
Lydia: It's the way you sit.  If you didn't lollop about there'd be room for us all AND the bags.
Kitty: I don't lollop, YOU do!

Jane: But I cannot believe Mr Darcy would fabricate such dreadful slander,and involving his own sister too. No, it must be true. ...Perhaps there has been some terrible mistake.
Elizabeth: No, Jane, it won't do! You will never be able to make them both good! There is just enough merit between them to make one good sort of man. And for my part I'm inclined to believe it's all Mr. Darcy's.

Elizabeth: I think it's a very good thing that the regiment should be removed from Meryton, and that we should be removed from the regiment.
Mrs. Bennet: Oh, Lizzy, how can you say such a thing?
Elizabeth: Very easily, ma'am. If one poor company of militia causes such havoc in our family, what would a whole campful of soldiers do?
Lydia: (Dreamily) A whole campful of soldiers!
Mrs. Bennet: I remember when I was a girl. I cried for two days when Colonel Miller's regiment went away. I thought I should have broke my heart!
Lydia: Well, I'm sure I shall break mine.
Kitty: And I!
Mrs. Bennet:  There, there, my dears. But your father is determined to be cruel.
Mr. Bennet: I confess I am. I'm sorry to be breaking so many hearts, but I have not the smallest intention of yielding.
Mary: I shall not break my heart, papa. The pleasures of Brighton would have no charms for me. I should infinitely prefer a book.
Kitty: Mrs Forster says she plans to go sea-bathing.
Lydia: I am sure I should love to go sea-bathing!
Mrs. Bennet: A little sea-bathing would set me up forever!
Mr. Bennet: And yet, I am unmoved. Well, well. I'm glad you are come back, Lizzy. I'm glad you are come back, Jane.
Lydia: Ooohh! (Lydia stomps) I want to go to Brighton!

Mrs. Bennet: Well, Lizzy, what do you think now about this sad business of Jane's? I cannot find out that
she saw anything of Bingley in London. Well, he is a very undeserving young man! And I don't suppose there's the least chance of her getting him now. If he should come back to Netherfield, though.
Elizabeth: I think there's little chance of that, Mama.
Mrs. Bennet: Oh, well, just as he chooses. No one wants him to come! Though I shall always say he used my daughter extremely ill; and if I was her, I would not have put up with it. Well, my comfort is, she will die of a broken heart and then he'll be sorry for what he's done! So, the Collinses live quite comfortable, do they? Well, I only hope it will last. And I suppose they talk about having this house, too, when your father is dead. They look on it as quite their own, I dare say.
Elizabeth: They could hardly discuss such a subject in front of me, Mamma.
Mrs. Bennet: Well, I make no doubt they talk about it constantly when they're alone.

Elizabeth: Yes! But I think Mr Darcy improves on closer acquaintance.
Wickham: Indeed? In what respect? Has he acquired a touch of civility in his address? For I dare not hope he is improved in essentials.
Elizabeth: No. In essentials I believe he is very much ... as he ever was.
Wickham: Ah.
Elizabeth: I don't mean to imply that either his mind or his manners are changed for the better. Rather, my knowing him better improved my opinion of him.
Wickham: I see.
Mrs. Forster: Wickham! Wickham, come here.
Wickham: At your service, ma'am.
Elizabeth: Yes, go, go. I would not wish you back again.

Lydia: What a laugh if I should fall and break my head!
Kitty: I wish you WOULD!

I shall conquer this.  I SHALL.
~Mr. Darcy

Mrs. Gardiner: I think one would be willing to put up with a good deal to be mistress of Pemberley.
Mr. Gardiner: The mistress of Pemberley will have to put up with a good deal, from what I hear.
Mrs. Gardiner: Well, she's not likely to be anyone we know.

And of all this I might have been mistress.

Mrs. Gardiner: This fine account of Darcy is not quite consistent with his behavior to poor Wickham.
Elizabeth: Perhaps we might have been deceived there.
Mrs. Gardiner: That's not likely, is it?

Elizabeth: Mr. Darcy!
Mr. Darcy: Miss Bennet! I ... eh.
Elizabeth: I did not expect to see you, sir. We understood all the family were from home or we should
never have presumed ...
Mr. Darcy: I returned a day early. Excuse me, your parents are in good health?
Elizabeth: Ah, yes, they are very well, I thank you, sir.
Mr. Darcy: I'm glad to hear it. How long have you been in this part of the country?
Elizabeth: But two days, sir.
Mr. Darcy: And where are you staying?
Elizabeth: At the inn at Lambton.
Mr. Darcy: Ah, yes, of course. Um. Well, I . . . I'm just arrived myself. Um. And your parents are in
good health, and all your sisters? Um.
Elizabeth: Yes, they’re all in excellent health, sir.
Mr. Darcy: Excuse me.

Mrs. Gardiner: Is this the proud Darcy you told us of? He’s all ease and friendliness, no false dignity at all!
Elizabeth: I'm as astonished as you are. I can't imagine what has affected this transformation.
Mrs. Gardiner: Can you not?

Mr. Darcy: There’s one other person in the party who more particularly wishes to know you. Will you
allow me to ... do I ask too much to introduce my sister to you during your stay at Lambton?
Elizabeth: I should be very happy to make her acquaintance.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Memorable Quotes from Episode Three

These quotes have been scrupulously checked for accuracy, but if you observe any mistakes, please let us know!

Mrs. Bennet: Oh, young George Wickham is such a charming young man, is he not, my dear?
Mr. Bennet: What? Oh, indeed he is. It was very good of him to entertain us so eloquently with stories about his misfortunes. With such narratives to hand, who would read novels?
Elizabeth: But I believe he has truly been treated contemptibly by Mr Darcy, father.
Mr. Bennet: Well, I daresay he has, Lizzy. Though Darcy may be no more of a black-hearted villain than your average rich man who is used to his own way.

Come now, Jane, take comfort--next to being married, a girl likes to be crossed in love now and then. When is your turn to come, Lizzy? You could hardly bear to be long outdone by Jane. And here are officers enough in Meryton to disappoint all the young ladies in the country. Let Wickham be your man--he's a pleasant fellow, he'd jilt you creditably.
~Mr. Bennet

Mrs. Bennet: I don't know what will become of us all, indeed I do not! And I cannot bear to think of Charlotte Lucas being mistress of this house! That I should be forced to make way for her, and see her take my place in it!
Mr. Bennet: My dear, do not give way to such gloomy thoughts. Let us hope for better things. Let us flatter ourselves, that I might outlive you.

There are few people whom I really love, and even fewer of whom I think well. The more I see of the world the more I am dissatisfied with it.

Sir William: Capital, capital! Fine girls, are they not, Mr Gardiner?
Mr. Gardiner: Indeed they are, Sir William. The two eldest in particular, perhaps?
Sir William: Indeed, indeed. I think they would grace the court of St. James itself! But let us not forget the younger Miss Bennets!
Mr. Bennet: Aye, aye. They have arms and legs enough between them. And are three of the silliest girls in England.

Maria Lucas: Who is that girl dancing with Mr Wickham?
Elizabeth: Her name is Mary King. She's come to stay with her uncle in Meryton.
Maria: Oh. She's not very pretty, is she?
Charlotte: Beauty is not the only virtue, Maria. She has just inherited a fortune of 10,000 pounds, I understand.
Mrs. Gardiner: Now that is a definite virtue!

Mr. Bennet: Well, Lizzy, on pleasure bent again. Never a thought of what your poor parents will suffer in your absence?
Elizabeth: It is a pleasure I could well forego, father, as I think you know. But I shall be happy to see Charlotte again.
Mr. Bennet: What of your cousin, Mr. Collins? What of the famous Lady Catherine de Bourgh herself? As a connoisseur of human folly, I should have thought you impatient to be savoring these delights.
Elizabeth: Of some delights, I believe, sir, a little goes a long way.

Mr. Collins: Observe that closet, cousin Elizabeth. What do you say to that?
Elizabeth: Well...
Mr. Collins: Is it not the very essence of practicality and convenience? Lady Catherine de Bourgh herself was kind enough to suggest that these shelves be fitted exactly as you see them there.
Elizabeth: Shelves in the closet! Happy thought indeed.

Maria: Lizzy! Lizzy! Come into the dining room, for there is such a sight to be seen! Make haste!
(They rush downstairs and look out the window)
Maria: Look, Lizzy, look!
Elizabeth: Is this all? I expected at least that the pigs had got into the garden! Here is nothing but Lady Catherine and her daughter.

Lady Catherine de Bourgh: Do you have brothers and sisters, Miss Bennet?
Elizabeth: Yes, ma'am, I am the second of five sisters.
Lady Catherine: Are any of your younger sisters out?
Elizabeth: Yes, ma'am, all of them.
Lady Catherine: All?! What? All five out at once?  The younger ones out before the older are married? Your youngest sisters must be very young?
Elizabeth: Yes, ma'am, my youngest is not sixteen.
Lady Catherine: Well...
Elizabeth: She is full young to be out much in company. But really, ma'am, I think it would be very hard upon younger sisters, that they not have their share of society and amusement, simply because their elder sisters have not the means or inclination to marry early. Sir William, wouldn't you agree?
Sir William Lucas: (Fumbling for words) Uh, well...
Lady Catherine: Upon my word!  You give your opinion very decidedly for so young a person. Pray, what is your age?
Elizabeth: With three younger sisters grown up, your ladyship can hardly expect me to own it.
Lady Catherine: Miss Bennet, you cannot be more than twenty, I am sure.  Therefore there is no need to conceal your age!
Elizabeth: I am not one and twenty.

You will never play really well, Miss Bennet, unless you practice more. You may come to Rosings as often as you like, and play on the pianoforte in Mrs Jenkinson's room. She would be in nobody's way in that part of the house.
~Lady Catherine

Elizabeth: Your cousin would teach you not to believe a word I say, Colonel Fitzwilliam. That is ungenerous of him, is it not?
Col. Fitzwilliam: It is indeed, Darcy!
Elizabeth: Impolitic too, for it provokes me to retaliate and say somewhat of his behavior in Hertfordshire which may shock his relations.
Mr. Darcy: I'm not afraid of you.
Col. Fitzwilliam: What have you to accuse him of? I should dearly like to know how he behaves among strangers.
Elizabeth: First time I ever saw Mr Darcy was at a ball, where he danced only four dances,  though gentlemen were scarce, and more than one lady was in want of a partner.  I am sorry to pain you, but so it was.
Col. Fitzwilliam: I can well believe it!
Mr. Darcy: I fear I am ill-qualified to recommend myself to strangers.
Elizabeth: Shall we ask him why? Why a man of sense and education, who has lived in the world, should be ill-qualified to recommend himself to strangers?
Mr. Darcy: I'm... I have not that talent which some possess, of conversing easily with strangers.
Elizabeth: I do not play this instrument so well as I should wish to, but I have always supposed that to be my own fault, because I would not take the trouble of practicing.

What are you talking of? What are you telling Miss Bennet? I must have my share in the conversation!
~Lady Catherine

Mr. Darcy: In vain I have struggled, it will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.  In declaring myself thus I'm aware that I will be going expressly against the wishes of my family, my friends, and, I hardly need add, my own better judgment. The relative situation of our families is such that any alliance between us must be regarded as a highly reprehensible connection. Indeed, as a rational man I cannot but regard it as such myself, but it cannot be helped. Almost from the earliest moments of our acquaintance, I have come to feel for you... a passionate admiration and regard, which despite all my struggles has overcome every rational objection and I beg you, most fervently, to relieve my suffering and consent to be my wife.
Elizabeth: In such cases as these, I believe the established mode is to express a sense of obligation. But I cannot.  I have never desired your good opinion, and you have certainly bestowed it most unwillingly. I'm sorry to cause pain to anyone, but it was unconsciously done, and I hope will be of short duration.
Mr. Darcy: And this is all the reply I am to expect? I might wonder why, with so little effort at civility, I am rejected.
Elizabeth:  I might wonder why, with so evident a desire to offend and insult me, you chose to tell me that you like me against your will, your reason, and even against your character! Was this not some excuse for incivility if I was uncivil?

Mr. Darcy: And this is your opinion of me?  My faults by this calculation are heavy indeed. But perhaps these offences might have been overlooked, had not your pride been hurt  by the honest confession of the scruples which long prevented my forming any serious design on you. Had I concealed my struggles and flattered you. But disguise of every sort is my abhorrence. Nor am I ashamed of the feelings I related. They were natural and just. Could you expect me to rejoice in the inferiority of your connections? To congratulate myself on the hope of relations whose condition in life is so decidedly below my own?
Elizabeth: You are mistaken, Mr Darcy. The mode of your declaration merely spared me any concern I might have felt in refusing you, had you behaved in a more gentlemanlike manner. You could not have made me the offer of your hand in any possible way that would have tempted me to accept it. From the very beginning, your manners impressed me with the fullest belief of your arrogance, your conceit, and your selfish disdain for the feelings of others. I had not known you a month before I felt you were the last man in the world whom I could ever marry!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Screencaps: Episode Six

Screen captures by Miss Marianne.

Click here to go back to episode 5.

Click on images for full size.
